glans [it/its]

  • 37 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • absolutely a utopian question. thank you for the utopian (if 19th c answer).

    “Fifty fires burn where one would suffice!” said some smart lady ?200? years ago. Foretelling climate catastrophes…

    Because those who want to emancipate mankind have not included woman in their dream of emancipation, and consider it beneath their superior masculine dignity


  • people in urban settings to cook their own food

    I’ve already solved this problem in my mind. Got the basics of a system worked out for neighbourhood cafeterias.

    You can still cook at home if/when you want to, but you can also attend the local cafs. There is 1 caf per x population, adjusted according to how heavily used they are. You can eat there or pickup (returnable, standardized) tupperwears for a middle ground if you prefer to have private at-home meal. I think it would be a great benefit especially for families. Reduce the amount of time you need to spend at the grocery store, cooking, cleaning, dishes etc. Would overall reduce the amount of food waste at both the individual kitchen and the grocery store level.

    The food would be prepared according to healthy guidelines. We also have some sort of accounting for regional availability of foods. The selections would be subject to some sort of democratic control so that people could get food they liked. Regionalism would be accounted for. Some kitchen teams might decide to be extremely specialized in a given cuisine. I’m sure at the end of the days we’d have something that takes things like lent, ramadan, whatever, into consideration.

    You don’t have to go to your own neighbourhood caf, you can go to other ones too for variety or it’s more convenient for you. Maybe there is some sort of reservation system (website/phone/walk-in) so that food can be produced in correct amounts. But extras can always be portioned and frozen for pickup later.

    For those who have extremely specific dietary requirements such as intolerance/allergy, religious, ethical, cultural, there can be specialized cafs which they can either attend physically, or if too remote, have pickup/delivery of meals. Delivery could be either at the home or to their local caf. So if you are a tiny minority vegan in a constituency which largely favors vegan-unfriendly food, the vegan kitchen can drop off meals for you at your caf and you can still go to the collective meal with everyone else.

    Kitchen teams could do fun events things like swap locations, tours or guesting at other kitchens, come up with contests etc if they wanted to. In a dense urban environment you’d have lots of cafs all over the place so it wouldn’t be like needing to travel a long way (unless they wanted to!). In terms of a workplace, I think you could keep some of the elements of kitchen culture that suits a certain kind of person, like competitiveness and showing off, but without it being so toxic and abusive. Because there would be many, many teams in a city, they could sort themselves by work-style preferences. Those who wanted a totally different wokrplace culture could have it.

    Also include some way to teach cooking skills, particularly with an eye to preserving cultural styles of cooking. both to other professional food workers but also to whoever just wanted to learn.

    This is my delicious dream.

  • Laundromats are fine

    What’s your experience? I’ve been washing my clothes mostly always in laundromats for 20+ years. They are not fine.

    • You need to spend so much time either hanging around or going back n forth. Every week I spend 1-3 hours of time that I wouldn’t have if I had an in-unit washer/dryer.
    • Lots of maintenance/equipment problems
    • Uneven availability of machines — you can show up and have to wait around because someone else came and filled every single machine at once
    • Problems like the last person used bleach and it didn’t rinse properly so now there’s just bleach and your clothes get ruined
    • machines are really limited in their settings, don’t allow the freedom to add things at different parts of the wash, let is soak for a bit, or other things you can do with a normal domestic unit
    • people are always there with all their bed bug stuff

  • to extend this, the way I was taught to think about it is that they might be a fed (cop, agent, etc), or they may just be a person who for their own idiosyncratic reasons, acts exactly the way a fed would act. I have met people I am 99% certain are feds. Or conversely am 99% sure are just organically destructive without any external motivation because it’s the only way they know how to be. And lots ambiguous cases where you go back n forth in opinion, or maybe in truth there is a mix going on.

    But at the end of the day you gotta manage them and it’s not gonna be much different between the two situations. The org needs to be robust enough to withstand an intentional attack from enemies or the attentions of a nasty person. The longer a left project goes on, the more success it has and the more public it is, the higher the chances you will attract one or the other or both.

    Tldr: if it quacks like a fed, treat it like a fed.

  • I seem to recall there having been lots of russians in FLOSS. I think they have a hard time contributing because they are blocked from a lot of platforms lately. I’ve seen a couple of project pages with notices saying that development is indefinitely suspended because the dev has too much logistical issues. Specifically something about 2FA from ?github not being deliverable to russian phone numbers. But that can’t be the whole story because you can easily enough use a TOTP app instead.

  • last week I was looking up how to do some stuff with YT-DLP and found myself on a webpage covered in yellow and blue soliciting donations to the Ukrainian ?state? . (It wasn’t YT-DLP itself, but one of the zillions of downstream projects.)

    A few months ago I was shopping for a tiny electronics component, a few wires with certain connecting ports on either end. Was having a hard time figuring if it was the right one, so reading the the comments. Every 3rd comment is about this conflict. “FUCK THE RUSSIAN C—TS” I recall it in one comment.

    It’s so weird, I have never seen any political issue well presented among nerds.