I’m a Jazz fan from Indonesia 🎷🎺🎹

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Some Sega Genesis games when i was a kid, Streets of Rage, Sailormoon, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 which i have never finished IDK maybe its the game that’s a bit too hard or maybe I’m just too dumb.

    Fast Forward to 2009, i played a game called The Mana World. It’s my first and only experience with online game. I made some good friends on and from the game, i think the overall community is very nice and helpful. I got hooked leveling up and reached to level 93 in few months. Unfortunately i have to cut the game because i need to focus on my study. Still its my greatest memories with gaming!

  • If by what you mean by Mozilla going downhill is losing marketshare.

    1. it’s most likely because Google promoting Chrome whenever you visit google.

    2. Also add to that bad business decision they have made for example buying Pocket.

    3. Those at Mozilla helm i think is always bad. Brendan with his homophobia, Mitchell Baker with her salary rise while firing employees.

  • I’d like to think that in 2023 with the spread of (democratic) information on the internet people will be more matured, stand up against dictatorship and all that but then just last month Hun Sen jailed many if not all opposition candidates rendering the election a charade to let the world know that “hey we have democracy here”.

    Sadly, this happened in many country in Southeast Asia especially those with Junta military in power. Thailand Parliament just last week ends Pita Limjaroenrat quest who win popular vote to be Thai PM. And in Myanmar, everyone from Aung San Su Kyi Party (NLD) already in jail or worse missing.

    Indonesia where i live used to be ruled by Junta Military for almost 32 years until reformation in 1998. What’s important to note is that General Soeharto himself wasnt full blast cracking down on democracy supporters, there are still casualities but the overall smooth transfer of power is what the we can be proud of. I’m not saying that Indonesia is the best model but maybe other country with Junta Military ruler can learn from us. Once they have real democracy good change will come.

  • Gonna play devil’s advocate here… I think most Mozilla money comes from Google and i think the reason Google keeps the money flowing to Mozilla is for Chrome to have a real competitor, Firefox to date is the only popular web browser with different engine and all that. Maybe it’s fair for me to say that it resembles a tiny tiny fraction of why Intel keeps AMD alive back then.

    As for EFF, i viewed them as just another NGO. For me most NGOs will have a non achievable goals, because it will be the dead of an NGO if they ever achive their goals. (No more money for them).

    I’m not against people donating to Mozilla or EFF or Thunderbird Foundation. I think it will be better (yet longer process) if government can regulate big tech, much like what the European Union did with GDPR.