• 8 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • You mean the Dancing Sun of Fatima?
    We, just like in the old Testament, we also have prophets. Most prophecies were about the great apostasy.
    You are full of half-baked stories.
    Italy is barely Catholic now. What are those two beads supposed to represent?
    I suggest praying Rosaries instead. It is traditional, and has a lot of indulgences.

    Delete all the images on all your devices, and brake all the statues in the law court and on every street.
    Catholics pray with things and not to things.
    It is better to look at an image of Jesus than to look at a bare wall.

  • Even though I made repetitions? Too bad.
    So what was I wrong about…
    You don’t believe the article you sent me.
    You only believe his prohibition (not condemnation) and not the reversion of the prohibition.
    Don’t forget calumny was flying… (Time to pray).

    Even St. Joseph of Cupertino had a similar condemnation and reversion story.
    Like the link stated, he had many enemies who wanted him out of the way. He was misreported to Pius 11 probably.

    Even St. Bernadette, they had the Grotto barred at first.

    Many people in the course of History have been laid greater allegations, but at the end, the dark cloud normally clears.

    And can you show me a link also where Catholics say they worship images?

  • Italian references!
    He cured the blind, restored the deaf, and many more.

    Thousands of miracles have been performed by different people in the past and yet we still have atheists.
    Like I said, we are all born with a clean memory. If we read calumny, we will believe calumny.
    But read about Padre Pio from a true source.
    I need his sources.

    You guys never seem to learn. LGBTQ+ has damaged people.
    I’m sure many want to get back to normal.
    Those that are strong will get back to normal.

  • No. You are a story teller. Your source is mainly calumny.
    Anybody can do that to Jesus, Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio. In fact, stigmas of Christ is not something new in the Church.
    When something miraculous begins, it has to be investigated.
    According to my source, people wanted him out of the way.
    According to my source, there was no carbolic acid mentioned.
    According to my source, doctors examined with wonders (lots of blood loss).

    He lived in a monastery. You don’t need a doctor to declare it was a fraud if it was really a fraud.
    Perhaps the whole monastery was involved?
    Pope Pius 11 had no letter against Padre Pio.
    Your story is full of interpolations and holes.
    And I see your trust in the ‘popes’ here.

    Catholics don’t worship images. (Your ignorance again).
    Padre Pio lived through the 1st and 2nd world war, and he fought modernism tooth and nail.
    Please give me your Italian reference (even a child could read Italian these days).
    Make sure it is Catholic (that is what you claimed) (or don’t worry, I will accept any link).

  • No it doesn’t matter. I have video evidence of some of his works.
    A very holy person can still be in LGBTQ+ country like America (Americans bear with me).
    Padre Pio was a monk. He was met by different people with different problems.
    You seem skilled in character aspersion.
    Southern Italy in the time of the 2nd world war might be the bar for you…
    So what do you have against Padre Pio (specific accusation like he robbed Mr. A).