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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The grand hilbert hotel is a metaphor about infinity. If a hotel has an infinite number of rooms, it will have enough room for him. If every room is full, they can all still move up by one room number. Infinity means you can always shift everyone up by 1 room number.

    The ship of theseus is a philosophical question about whether it’s still the same ship after having every board and nail in it replaced over centuries of repairs gradually replacing all of its parts.

    Asking if Sisyphus is happy is a reference to a famous Albert Camus (French absurdist philosopher) quote “One must imagine Sisyphus happy”

  • I had a SPECT scan done once at an Amen clinic.

    Didn’t really help anything besides give cool pictures of my brain. Turns out my brain is the only hyperactive part of me (SPECT shows bloodflow in the brain and mine was way more active than most). It was neat I guess, but I already had been diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type, so it ended up just being expensive and not really helpful. My mom was happy about it though, so there’s that.

    I wouldn’t recommend it. They need to inject you with a radioactive isotope for your blood to show up in the scans. Supposedly it’s not much worse than a couple of X-rays, but still.

  • So first of all, you shouldn’t involve yourself in your friend’s business. Fraud is generally frowned upon.

    But secondly, you know that ChatGPT was trained on the entire internet, right? Like, every book. I don’t think “more books” is gonna help.

    I hope you take your computer skills and make something of yourself. Try not to get any more involved in this scheme, seriously. You don’t need this crap marring your reputation.

    Besides, there are better reasons/ways to fight the system than helping other people avoid learning.

  • It’s also real scary to think since I’d assume most of us Gen Z-ers aren’t properly able to object to privacy eroding tech bills because we’re too tech illiterate to understand the impacts.

    Millennial here, putting my tinfoil hat on for a minute:

    This is exactly what the big tech corpos wanted all along. They’ve been curving the arc of history towards people at large being digitally dependent but incapable of self-service. They want addicts, not citizens. Serfs, not an educated populace.

    In the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into the early 00s there was this “hacker culture” which was centered on the idea that as long as we keep our wits about us we could use computers as a great equalizer. The common person was empowered. Any and all software would be distributed for free so anyone who couldn’t afford it could get it. Bill Gates was painted as a villain because he was overtly capitalistic. The corpos were kept in check by a diverse, rapidly evolving market and a ton of savvy users who knew what they wanted.

    Giant corporations pretty much caught on that they needed there to be fewer tech savvy people who could get one over on them. When politicians needed to ask experts what to include in school curriculums, guess who had lobbyists ready to go? Microsoft and Apple. Eventually Google too.

    And now that there are fewer tech savvy people? Everything got shittier. Shinier, faster, dumber, more locked down and shittier. And the enshittification is just going to accelerate until people straight up reject it, then it’ll pause for 6 months to a year and start up again.