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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • It’s actually really good that you wrote out your frustrations like this. Humans are incredible at forgetting, which is why people often look forward to having a second or third child despite living through the nightmare you’re describing. In a couple of years, if you’re feeling like you want to have another one, at least now you can go back through your old posts and regain a little bit of the perspective you’ve managed to forget so you can go into the second time around with your eyes wide open.

  • Huh. I wonder if he was also socially awkward when he was raping Sally Hemings (starting from when she was 14 years old, younger than his daughter Abigail, whom Hemings was sent to care for), or when he convinced her to leave the relative safety of France by telling her that he’d emancipate her children, or when he was like: “lol u thought” and kept them enslaved for the rest of his life. So socially awkward. Such a quirky guy.

  • I’m super disappointed in him. Was a big fan of his when I saw him run, and I really liked some of the things I heard about him, like how he got a tattoo marking the date of death for each of 9 people in his city who were murdered while he was mayor. It really made me think that he felt the heavy burden of responsibility and wanted to make the world a better place.

    But this… I mean, this ain’t it. It does get a little complicated because of his stroke. I don’t know how much of the personality he’s currently displaying to the world was endemic in him before the stroke. It could be that this has been who he was the entire time, and he just hid it from the world. Either way, though, I think it’s clear that he represents a lot of unfulfilled hope. Granted, he’s likely still better than Oz, but that’s a pretty damned low bar. Fingers crossed he gets beat in the next election by someone who delivers on the hope that Fetterman originally promised.

  • Honestly, upon re-reading the article, I think there’s a good chance that I misunderstood what he was saying. On my initial read-through, I read it as him saying that everybody should treat the concepts of “inflation” and “high prices” interchangeably, but I now believe that he might be saying that laypeople are treating the two concepts identically, and politicians should react accordingly.

    His concluding paragraph is what made me pop off with my first post; it reads very much like he agrees with this hypothetical idiotic layperson. I think that last bit probably colored my interpretation of the entire article.

  • This is probably the dumbest article I’ve read all month.

    The meaning of the word “inflation” has changed. It used to mean rising prices; now it means high prices.

    “Inflation” has always referred to the same thing: it’s the rate at which prices increase. A positive inflation rate means that prices will increase over time. Going from 9% inflation to 3% inflation doesn’t mean that the prices will drop - it just means that they will rise more slowly. Similarly, if you are riding a bicycle, and your speed changes from 9 mph to 3 mph, you’re still moving forward, you’re just doing so a bit more slowly. In order for the CPI to show a decrease, you would need a negative inflation rate, which is called “deflation”.

    The bottom line: Prices are high, therefore inflation is high. Get used to it.

    No, the bottom line is that the author is a fucking moron who didn’t take 2 seconds to look up the definition. He trotted out this chart which showed a 3.4% current inflation rate, alongside a 19.3% increase in CPI since 2021 without possessing even the barest comprehension of what it shows. Of course the CPI is going to be much higher now than the inflation rate is. If inflation had been pegged at 3.4% for the entire period, then CPI would be sitting at around a 10% increase from 2021. As it is, it’s at 19.3% because COVID fucked the entire world’s economy, and our inflation rate ballooned to about 9% before tapering back down to the 3.4% it’s at today.

    TL;DR: Author is a dummy who wrote about a subject he clearly lacks any comprehension of.