I get that at work too and often it’s a trust issue. The other fella could get it done faster, but could he get it done equally well? Support time will eat future development time.
I get that at work too and often it’s a trust issue. The other fella could get it done faster, but could he get it done equally well? Support time will eat future development time.
Yeah, I don’t know either. I found it an interesting read, it also goes into conversation design in games. Felt like it would be appropriate here?
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No, I’d finally be able to drive without needing to have music on at any given time.
Er ikke politisk ekspert men har lurt på dette selv før. Men partier som FRP, nei til bompenger, etc er gjerne hva vi kan kalle «misnøyepartier». Partier som appeller til folk som er misfornøyde på et eller annet vis. Dette behøver ikke å være en konkret politisk ting. F.eks at du føler at ting forandrer seg for fort i samfunnet, eller at du føler at for mye fremmede ting tar plass, eller at dine ytringer blir stigmatisert (mens det føltes ok å si ting i bygda 20 år siden).
FRP har gjerne retorikk og symbolsaker som appellerer til følelsen at ting har tatt en tullete vei. Husker du kanskje at de bokstavelig talt hadde en liste mot «dusteforbud»? Mange av tingene i den listen har en ekte grunn til å bli forbudt, men om man nå mener at «jeg brukte solarium som tenåring og jeg fikk aldri kreft» så tenker man ikke i det store bildet. Men med slike partier handler det ofte om egen misnøye. (Dette er ikke eksklusivt til FRP altså, hvem stemmer høyre for å bedre andre folks skatt?)
Dette kommer til neste punkt, FRP er eksperter på grasrotbevegelser. Ingen sak er for liten. Mens Høyre ikke kunne se lavere enn fylkesnivå og AP bare fokuserte på å vedlikeholde industrien, så tok lokallaget FRP opp alle småtingene som vanlige folk sytret om.
For å sette det i perspektiv. I det store bildet er mye viktig, men i hverdagen erger folk seg mer om å måtte betale for en plastpose.
Wouldn’t it at that point be less work to just get some flatbread with cheese and tomato, instead of having to cook and then cool a pizza?
Yes but that mode made everything look like mush. And worked rather poorly outside combat.
Hope the pc version runs well. Watching my partner play in 30fps looked painful.
I’d like to hear the other side too, but it’s hard to imagine there’s no foul play at all.
Could also be the heat sensor is faulty, damaged wiring, etc. When I compare them, the reported number can be off by quite a bit from the real temperature .
Doubly egregious when you have one of those annoying GDPR windows that make opting out a hassle just to view the menu. I’ve left restaurants over this.
Disco Elysium is a game about constant failures. It’s a central theme in the game. Save scumming in that game, it feels like it would lessen the impact of the story.
BG3 have something called karma dice to balance it out if you’re unlucky with your rolls. It’s on by default.
I always roll with the rolls, failure is part of the game.
I’ve already read it before, but it’s so so good.
My current provider took care of most of that but i agree it is too difficult for most.
“Wins”, really? That’s a disgusting way of putting it. He’s compensated for time spent in prison, but the time will be forever lost.
Aye, I missed that bit. Still annoying that something that was ad free has ads. But that’s more sensible.
I agree they make it seem exceptionally dramatic, but I do understand the annoyance of having a service included (an email address) and soon I need to pay for it. That is extremely annoying.
You just exit them? It’s the people getting onto a roundabout that have to wait.