cosecantphi [he/him]

  • 38 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • federal judge appointments alone are worth far more.

    The supreme court will be a rotting. decrepit institution brutalizing working class people for decades to come, Biden and the Democratic party steadfastly refuse to stack the court and thereby offset justices put in place by Trump. They legitimize his legacy at every single turn and still expect us to believe they oppose anything about Trump but his aesthetic. Day by day the Democratic party inches ever closer to being the Republican party from a couple years ago, yet it still has the gall to say at least they aren’t the Republicans.

  • It’s unlikely Kamala Harris will ever be elected president, she’s not electable as shown by her primary performance where she dropped out after polls showed her losing to Andrew Yang (holy shit that must’ve stung) in her home state where she was the sitting senator.

    But at the same time I don’t think Biden has another four years left, and Trump has plenty of time left to fuck up his own campaign. So in the end, this woman is probably gonna be the president at some point if Biden eeks out a win

  • People have been voting in US elections for several decades at least, but things just seem to keep getting worse. I think it’s clear by now that whatever solves the problem of the United States being a shitty country, it ain’t gonna be voting. Like, at this point anyone trying to tell me that voting for president in this election is a thing that matters is just telling me they don’t understand politics.

  • They would have unironically been better off if they just continued with Mayo Pete. The only reason I can imagine they didn’t is because of how new he was to the game, long time loyalists like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden needed to have their turn first. It disturbs me that the Democrats might recognize their mistake and then I’ll be stuck hearing this asshole’s name for the next several decades

  • I keep forgetting how much liberals seem to literally believe the DPRK is this Truman Show esque society where everything and everyone is performative, existing only for the benefit of onlooking western liberals.

    This sort of belief is extremely pervasive and keeps coming up time and time again whenever I talk about the DPRK with literally anyone in my irl life, and it still manages to blindside me every time with how truly, deeply unserious this shit is in the west

  • Western opinions of the DPRK are downright wacky, the propaganda against this one country is absolutely saturated in society. The average westerner knows just as much about what the DPRK is actually like as the westerners who consider themselves well read on international politics. It’s like the one country where almost all people think it’s ok to just never read anything about it, never investigate it, and never make a single good faith attempt to understand it. Instead it’s always just repeat the last insane gossip you heard coming from the last large news media company you recall talking about scary North Korea

    I don’t know if it’s still like this, but there was once a wikipedia article about homeownership rates by country. It made note of the DPRK specifically just to say the home ownership rate was 0%. The justification for this in the talk page was that the DPRK is an absolute monarchy, Kim Jong Un is the monarch, and therefore he owns every home in the DPRK and the ownership rate is thus 0.

    Nonsense like this so pervasive that I am of the occasional mind that near all English speaking media about the DPRK should just be dismissed out of hand.

  • That one cool astronaut that uses Hexbear and .ml woke up this morning feeling groggy, having the previous night raided the emergency medicine cabinent for fun drugs while waiting for mission control to come up with a fix. They slept like shit, their still tired, still dissociating about the thought of whether or not this worsening incident will be the worst disaster in spaceflight history. Whether this is the thing that ends their lives.

    They saw this thread, and clicked on it, their eyes wide and awash with hope that Boeing figured it out while they were asleep. That somehow the news got to them through Hexbear first. The ship is coming home! We’re getting off this piece of shit station. We get to say goodbye to breathing this shitty recycled air that smells like a mixture of all the worst smells you associate with your some of your coworkers.

    Expands post

    Oh, I’m still in a life threatening ongoing emergency alongside all my astronaut and cosmonaut friends. We may still die yet! It’s actually just the genocide ship going home, the genocide sailors are getting a bit tired of doing genocide, so they’re taking a break from all this helping to do a genocide stuff.

  • You can pry it spinning out of my cold hands, officer!

    One more for the ages: This potential international incident is plausible because it can conclude in a way that doesn’t significantly veer from the international status quo! If the current administration deemed this necessary to win the election, it’s plausible the security and intelligence apparatus might deem it harmless enough to go forward!

    This is on the basis that:

    • China only loses an empty capsule and possibly their already poisoned reputation as a scientific and capable modern country among imperial core libs and chuds. Annoying, but ultimately this just confirms where they already stand.
    • Russia loses two astronauts to this bullshit but is already in a proxy war with NATO anyway. Whatever their response is will be seen on the battlefield in Ukraine, only wasting lives that US state leadership has already demonstrated it does not care for.
    • This means not much materially to the remainder of the imperial core than another civilian airliner accidentally shot down by some national military.
    • And it all matters even less to the DPRK.
    • China, Russia, and the DPRK all totally ban aerospace scientific cooperation with the United States going forward.

    The US population as a whole memoryholes this after the media botches the story and the conspiracy somehow becomes a culture war issue, deciding the election one way or the other. By the inauguration, it remains too partisan for any respected government authority to declare any sort of realistic official story. Despite this, they are sure to keep any discussion of this being a deliberate move by the United States catergorized as misinfo under some new, vague internet regulatory agency started by executive order and later codified by congress.

    Mainstream media diligently follows along with all the recommendations like the good little stenographers they are, and large lib social media companies follow suit instinctively, for a time banning the topic for being a foreign conspiracy. It doesn’t matter which country they impotently end up blaming to anyone but US immigrants from that country.