A sign of the times

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Blake@monero.towntoprivacy@monero.townJulian Assange is free!
    9 days ago

    after a long time as a grassroots campaigner

    this is welcome news. kind of hard to believe.

    as we speak, Assange is on US soil, not out of the woods yet.

    but the Aussie PM is pro-assange, at least in word. we’ll see.

    waiting to see if wikileaks will accept monero (or crypto) for the assange rehabilitation fund and will donate there :)

    an historic day

  • Blake@monero.towntoprivacy@monero.town*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago


    “The White House is leading efforts for a new authentication system that would have users prove their identity with a single ID across the Web. And states are starting to pilot the system.”

    April 23, 2014

    “The DCF says the technology is saving so much money because it saves staff the time of verifying identities manually, and even better, there’s been a reduction in cases of identity fraud.” ---- "the technology is saving >>so much<< money "

    “If you can’t create a method to ensure a person is who they say they are, then you really can’t secure bank accounts, identities, anything that’s done on the Web,” — Monero fixes this

  • Blake@monero.towntoprivacy@monero.townBad Internet Bills
    11 months ago

    Canada has an ‘Online Harms’ bill, just like the UK (same name, kinda sus). Promises to be extra draconian.

    "… platforms would have to inspect all content — including images posted and remarks made by anyone, domestic or foreign, including Canadian citizens, residents, refugees, and foreign students; confidential and privileged communications between lawyers and clients, and between physicians, psychiatrists and other healthcare professionals and their patients; journalists, academics and anyone else — to judge if it crosses an as-yet undefined ‘hurtful’ threshold or falls into any of the five targeted categories.

    Accomplishing that would require encryption be broken …"

    Signed: A Luddite

  • yes LLaMA got leaked and has opened up a tool for the people. I see the project openLLaMA making headway in putting out a chatbot ‘for the people’ as opposed to the centralised control. don’t confuse it with LLaMA 2, a confab between mta and mcrosoft which is ‘open source’ but you have to let them have all of your data. seems to be an effort at damage control and to try and still harvest some of the data that people are shovelling into machine learning programs these days. I personally don’t think they’re great at all, far from intelligent and I think they’re going to be bad for humanity down the line. but pandora’s box is open so we might as well democratise by at least breaking the corporate chokehold on A"I".