got me in the first half ngl
Brazilian weido
got me in the first half ngl
can’t connect to KCNA, sad day
a famous painter was born there
it is, but some memes are pretty funny
redditors can’t even cyrillic bro
cryptoancap lookin ass professor
honestly, if the USSR did that, maybe it could’ve lasted a few more decades
can people on lemmy stop being right for once? you guys are always on point, say the earth is flat or something lol
sorry, didn’t know they weren’t fast food (not from US)
why are fast food workers always the most based?
well, one more thing the USA helped make worse
war propaganda has reached a new low holy crap
i like anime but this is just horrifying
it’s not a “shadowy cabal”, it’s the ruling class, aka the bourgeois class, the owners of the means of production. capitalism’s flaws cannot be mitigated because it’s because of these flaws that the system itself can exist (exploitation of workers in different degrees, exploitation of the 3rd world, revenue concentration in the hands of a few, wars and misery etc etc)
the system won’t work well for the people because that’s the whole point of the system’s existence since its inception. it works for a particular class and only that class. the problem isn’t Democrats vs Republicans, it’s capitalism vs the working class. you don’t have to vote, you have to join worker’s unions, a socialist/communist party, be an activist, and when duty calls, participate in the revolution that is to come. the only real material change comes when the working class takes power and actually makes way for changes in the socioeconomic status of the country/world. I suggest reading some of Marx’s work
With that said, I do agree that in some aspects the Democrats are “better”, such as LGBT rights and such, but that could be 10 times better if the people were actually in charge instead of a few rich lobbyists.
besides the weird dick out in the statues, this would be a pretty cool statue for the victims of shock therapy and reintroduction of capitalism to eastern europe tbf
and those are rookie numbers, not even a mention of Stalin’s big spoon