Anoxydre [they/them]

Aviation industry and software engineering.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Mixed thoughts here. I guess I’d also hate if they would have changed the French voice actor for Viktor (Lionel Tua) in the main release afterwards to match with the new voice added later, since, for me (and I guess for a bunch of other people since the actor is quite known for his voice acting), his voice has really something special, such as the French V female voice for instance.

    For sure tho, if they wouldn’t have the authorization from the family, I’d be completely against this. And I guess they couldn’t have the actor authorization anyhow (like, hey bud’, just in case you die in the next months, could we redo your voice with AI?)

  • Imotep. Je vais juste devoir passer la matinée à harceler EDF pour raler de la souscription abusive à deux contrats inutiles en me faisant miroiter que c’était obligatoire pour finaliser le contrat pour le déménagement. (assurance énergie alors qu’on a pas mal de côté / assistance dépannage alors que notre assurance habitation prend ça en charge)

    J’ai senti la couille venir, mais en connaissant la loi des 14 jours de résiliation, je me suis dis fuck it, je lirais ces conneries plus tard vu que le mec au téléphone me tenait la jambe. Mais j’espère qu’il va prendre cher pour arnaque en tout cas. 🤷🏻‍♂️