I’m considering it. I’d probably want to know if it works well with Linux first.
I’m considering it. I’d probably want to know if it works well with Linux first.
That could have been done by just having a single entry called GoogleBot or BingBot, not an entire sentence explaining their product offering let alone hundreds of times a minute.
They’re saying who they are, what they do, and are linking to their website and sometimes sends hundreds of requests in a minute. It might not say "For only €49.99 you can get your very own thing!”, but that does not mean they aren’t throwing their name up in every website owner’s arse whether they like it or not.
They’re spamming all web logs too with an advertisement for their services in the user agent. I decided to ban them from all my websites because the logs took up too much space.
“Log Ind for at afspille”
Nå… Jamen, jeg havde alligevel ikke lyst til at se det.
.world is bad because of egregious censoring.
You might even be able to sell a “solution” to the inefficiency you created out of profitability.
Luckily you can change it on Lemmy
Eh, everything points to a mistake. Bitwarden not only rectified it ASAP but also made the switch to GPLv3. The latter is not just something you do to please people, you need to understand the legal ramifications it can have on your business, so it very likely was a change that’s been discussed before all of this.
Primordial black hole as they’re called. They’re still a theory at this point but I find it very plausible. And how cool would it be to have a primordial black hole in the neighbourhood? Even the name is cool.
Code is already copyrighted by default, so no need for software patents. Luckily software patents are null and void in EU, so I don’t have to worry about that.
Min cykel overholder de tyske krav, jeg ved ikke om det er de 350 lumen fra 2020 loven eller de nye på 205., men jeg ser alt det jeg har brug for i mørket. Når du afgrænser lyset til lige foran dig nøjagtig som en bil så kan 205 lumen være nok. Vi skal huske at lumen er det fulde output af lyset, så hvis der ikke er afgrænsning af lyset så kan 200 lumen selvfølgelig føles som at have et stearinlys siddende på styret.
Hvis du er ude på mountain bike i skove så er det selvfølgelig en helt anden sag hvorfor lovgivningen ikke gælder dér.
Lidt ekstra info kan findes her: https://www.bikeradar.com/advice/buyers-guides/stvzo-bike-lights
Og til cyklisterne, kan i ikke lige tjekke at jeres 10.000.000 lumen lygter peger bare lidt ned mod jord
Lidt personlig erfaring: Jeg cyklede foran en på en vej uden separat cykelsti og skulle orientere mig tilbage for at se om der var frit til en overhaling. Det eneste jeg så var Hr. DeSkalKunneSeMigPåMånen’s forlygte. Jeg blev nødt til at opgive overhalingen da jeg ikke kunne se en pind de næste par sekunder…
Jeg håber virkelig vi tager Tysklands StZVO lygtelovgivning til os. Det giver max 205 lumen til forlygten og skrappe krav til udformningen og hvor den peger (205 er rigeligt hvis det er præcist og kun på asfalten lige foran cyklen)
Er det bare mig eller er bilister begyndt at være meget mere aggressive i trafikken her for tiden? Jeg havde tre nær-ulykkesoplevelser på cykel de første to dage i ugen, én af dem hvor bilisten tog højresvinget med hornet i bund, så nu sigter jeg efter at tage på arbejde en halv time tidligere…
Can you elaborate on the Plex issues as of late? One of the guys I share my instance with has reported a lot of buffering that I haven’t been able to reproduce.
/ Guitar Solo
If you wanna say “hello shark!” in Danish you’ll say “hej haj!”
Good thing we don’t have sharks in Danish waters otherwise it’ll become pretty awkward when you greet someone at the beach.
Kinda makes sense, but it is still weird hearing him say it. Especially after the musical flop that was Joker 2
Zemeckis, are you okay? Do we need to call someone?
It looks like one of those old captchas.