There’s a button : not now
This should be higher. That was a conservative pet project, they suggest the names which give to things to think about 1- they’re fucking idiots that don’t know how to make research and thus shouldn’t be leading anything 2- they’re fine glorifying Nazi
Great Idea. I’ll put it into my notes.
Thanks for the help !
I was thinking the miracle drug, not necessarily the heal all power.
The exurgent virus was made by evil omnipotent-ish AI. I was thinking that the shroom rewired it in some way. Or since in it’s less evil form it gives some powers (but a second personality that try to control you) this new strand could be a new variant of this
What evil mushrooms would do in Call of Chtuluth ?
This guy subvert the indépendance mouvement to be the next Québécois Trump. PSPP is losing steam for the same reason PeePee is losing momentum, bullshit nationalism doesn’t offer much in front of Trump
Is it just me or what is giving his boost to the liberal is NDP & Bloc voters going liberal (probably to fuck up PP) and not Conservative voters turning red
Someone is taking his revenge at Senshi
Yes. Don’t know why I change the name
Hahaha ! Never think about it like that but thumbs up
I’m on Firefox Edge for my cellphone, Firefox for the rest
Incredible. I was thinking about something like that, didn’t know it exist already
Thanks I will look into that
Here’s the Radio-Canada article on it. So far didn’t find a CBC one
Lay out what happen before end. Personally I start from the murder and go back to find the why.
After use The three clues rule
Stop using my Facebook in Covid, most of what I saw was shit about Covid being fake, saw good friend from high school falling for it and realized that the algorithm was tailored to do just that so I delete it shortly after
Stop using Instagram last month. Keep seeing the same shit over and over and when I start flagging it the app revert to show me thirst traps and conspiracy shit. I miss my antifacist bro over there, the dogs and all the illustrators I had followed. So if you know where they at
Thinking of deleting Reddit because my regional sub is cesspool of people thinking they’re the left but are spewing the same Trump argument about immigration but the RPG community is lively there
What do you respond to people claiming that The Rover is not a real journalist. I had this problem lately …
Ha tanks ! That is what I was thinking
Did they tried to ban Signal to ?
Forgot about that one thanks for reminding me. Clearly the Ford are great people
Weird. Try this