• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Yeah. All the times people say “sleep when the baby sleeps” or “You must be exhausted”? It’s because we’ve been there.

    I will give one piece of advice. Alarms.

    Need to make a call or check on someone? Alarm.

    Dropping the baby off somewhere before work? Add an alarm (repeat if need be) to make sure the kids not in the car.

    Cooking dinner? Add an alarm to check that the stove is off.

    Super exhausted brain is rough and while it’s always a small chance it’s scary how quickly we can do something stupid or dangerous without realizing it.

    Personally I’ve thrown clothes in the trash and put trash in the laundry hamper (learned not to carry both at the same time) and locked myself out of the house for an hour (trusted neighbor got a copy of our house key after that one)

    Bonus tip: poison control is cool. Don’t be afraid to call when/if something happens. Kid got into teething tablets and ate them all? Not the first time they’ve heard of it and if there’s anything to be done they’ll tell you. They even checked back a little later just to be sure.

    Bonus tip 2: if you have somebody willing to help with laundry, house, etc take it. It feels weird but a lot of the people offering know exactly what you’re going through.

  • I’ve had some luck with attaching silicone pie mat to prints that I wanted to have a grippy surface.

    Downside is it picks up any grime, dust, dirt easily. No biggie when you throw a silicone mat in the dishwasher, more of an issue when you can’t do the same with something 3d printed.

    Another consideration could be large furniture non slip pads. Something made for putting on the feet of a couch/sofa for example, cut to size?

  • Not to mention the whole bones that can’t be broken because of the super strong metal.

    So… pre bone infusion Wolverine maybe? Although if he lost an arm and it grew into a new person would they have a functioning brain?

    For that matter, even if he didn’t, would a healed wolverine remember who he is if his brain suffered enough trauma?

    Which opens up a Pandora’s box of issues such as CTE’s j side his encase skull. Sure his brain can heal that damage but the memories, etc would be gone right?

  • FYI don’t use empty lines as spacing. Instead use breaks.

    Insert > Page Break (for quick and easy breaks that start on then next page)

    Or…if you need something more specific

    Layout > Breaks >

    Text Wrapping (to make sure things like captions, etc move below an embedded object like a picture, table, etc)

    Section Break (for the same layout/flow but potentially different styles, numbers/bullet lists reset, etc)

    Column Break (if you’re doing multi column layout and you want the next thing to be at the top of the next column)

    There are others