In Grayjay you can group your subscriptions.
In Grayjay you can group your subscriptions.
You know he is referring to a 2023 article right?
And so is the video.
I really don’t see any improvements lately
Kan se jeg nærmest er den gennemsnitlige bruger, bortset fra politisk overbevisning, hvilket overrasker mig meget. Ellers fordeler svarene som jeg havde forventet det.
Spændende læsning 👍
That’s fair. So no one wants to close their community, let’s just move on then.
Why not close this one and merge to LW?
Kan du huske hvad det har kostet?
Tak for tip, det vil jeg kigge nærmere på.
Jeg er afsted en månedstid. Jeg mindes bare at disse prepaid sim kort er forholdsvis dyre ift 3likehome f.eks.
Jeg har aldrig hørt om duka før, så godt at vide de har (i hvert fald en) tilfredse kunder 😀
Have you measured the power consumption with a kill-a-watt (or similar)?
I am very happy with Blocky
No UI, just a simply config file if that is your thing.
Skal man lave PR hvis der er andre DR podcasts man gerne vil have tilføjet siden?
Because that is how Bluetooth is specified. Bluetooth is primarily used for audio, where high throughput is not the most important parameter. Expected Bluetooth throughput is less than 2 Mbps, see more here
WiFi on the other hand, has peak throughput above 1 Gbps. So your observations are as expected.
Are recurring tasks an option? And it it possible to repeat them x days after last completion?
Thanks for the heads up.
Which watch? I get a notification on my phone when my Galaxy Watch 6 is fully charged. Thought that was standard for all WearOS watches.
Thanks, exactly what I was looking for!
Apropro WP:
… and deflected the ball right into the hands of Brown!