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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • In Europe, we changed to the Euro not that long ago. I was a student and I used to use a shared laundry machine. It was the day before returning to school. I was barely alone in the dorms. Let’s do a laundry !

    The machines were updated to get euros. There was another machine just to change the coins, especially since the washing machines only took one kind of coin (20 cents).

    I put one fresh euro in the exchange machine, expecting to get 5 coins of 20 cents.

    Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>… Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>… Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. Tching. <pause>…

    What ?! The machine was buggy and would not stop. I grabbed a hoodie to put the coins in it. Soon, it was not enough. After what seems to be an eternity I was there with around 50€ and kilos of coins.

  • La masse volumique c’est la densité. Une bille de métal, c’est dense (petit et lourd). La même bille en métal, étirée sous forme d’une grande sphere creuse, ça a exactement la même masse (légèrement plus car il faut compter l’air à l’intérieur) mais c’est beaucoup moins dense.

    La force d’Archimède dépend du volume d’eau déplacé. La bille “déplace” peu d’eau pour faire sa place. Elle coule car la poussée d’Archimède est faible. Par contre, la grande sphère prend beaucoup de volume, elle déplace beaucoup d’eau en entrant dans l’eau. La poussée est forte ; elle flotte. Pourtant, la bille et la sphère ont exactement le même poids.

  • LAN parties. I remember the first time I could connect two PC together. It was Doom, with a serial-to-serial cable. We were two players on the same fucking map. It was awesome!

    Then coax cable networks with friends. We used to have two or three different networks during a LAN party since you could not disconnect the coax cable to add a player without stopping the current games. The players arrived later would plug a new network just for them, and launch a game waiting the first players to finish theirs.