• 14 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • I understand there’s a right way to do it, but allow me to assure that the two murky trays behind this bar were not acceptable by any means. I didn’t want to get too graphic, but glasses went from the customer hand, a quick slosh and a rub in liquids that would make any civilized health department shriek, wiped “dry” with a filthy rag that had just wiped the bar top, filled with the next drink and handed to the next customer.

    This is the kind of stuff where you see it in a movie like so: the scoundrel hero walks into a dive bar in the spaceport, orders a drink, the camera makes sure you see the pustulent, greasy alien clean the vessel using the above process. The alien pours a questionable liquid into it, and slides it to the observing hero who has been keeping a stone-faced expression but for a hint of discomposure as he receives the drink. After the briefest pause in frame to let you know he questions what he is about to do, he downs the beverage. You can’t help but cringe along with the hero and think licking the alien might have been safer.

    (Am not comparing or suggesting Montenegrins are in any way shape or form like the hypothetical alien)

  • Repeatedly? Unapologetically? Will continue to do so for personal gain? Apparently all the republicans are thieves literally trying to steal an election, murderers (running over protesters? Letting people drown at the border? Sooting people for pulling into the wrong driveway or knocking on the wrong door?), engaging in idolatry of the Republican Party and the flag, telling lies about their lgbtq and minority neighbors how they’re all rapists and muderers, putting kids and everyone else to work 7 days a week to keep Supply Side Jesus happy…

    I dunno about honoring the father and mother? Keeping the racism, generational trauma, and subjugated woman themes going just like Mom and Dad?

    Covet? Dunno what to do with that one…maybe the fact that others have rights, slowly escalating equality, and relief from burdens like student loans or hunger by free school lunches. The republicans want to take it all away.

    The conservative Ten Commandments.

  • I wouldn’t say at all cost, but Montenegro isn’t fun. Russians have built massive hotel resorts on the beaches there, the locals are unhappy that they’re there so they don’t like tourists. They’ll try to fight you on the beach because you’re not local. Get hassled by the cops because you’re not local, but you’ll be able to buy your way out of your problem if you’re lucky. People don’t want to talk to you, everyone is pretty cold and borderline rude. Go to a bar for a drink and you get a glass nominally washed/rinsed in tubs of soapy water behind the bar that the previous 100 glasses went through and hasn’t been changed out. The landscape is beautiful in a hostile sort of way, but there’s just not much reason to visit. It’s not even particularly inexpensive. The hotels will try to charge you for everything, including a scuff on the wall that you didn’t do, a chip on a planter on the balcony, etc. ridiculous money grabs.

  • …and I disagree with that MO too. Because your audience chooses to write poorly or cannot spell I disagree that “dumbing yourself down” to perpetuate it or popularize yourself is helpful. That’s why I find it irritating. I’m not trying to make a sweeping discussion where we go down the rabbit hole of how intelligent people have to talk like “normal” people or how a politician might try to speak differently to pander to an audience, I get stuff like that happens. However, the point of this whole thread was essentially about what pisses us off. This is mine. If I had accepted the rationalizations for people being unwilling/-able to correctly use language learned prior to middle school I wouldn’t have posted this.

    E: and I very much disagree that poor spelling and grammar is any stereotypical indication of someone’s skill regarding spelling because they’ve deliberately chosen to write poorly. A quick trip through plenty of forums other than tech-minded people like Nextdoor, mechanical-related, or even Facebook will turn up plenty of material from people that didn’t or shouldn’t have made it out of high school.

  • Dial up, mostly. Cable showed up pretty quick. Slower. More open. More egalitarian. Not SEO’d. Simpler. Anyone could make a webpage and find a free place to host it or spend just a few dollars a month for a better site host. Lots of phpbb forums or similar, basically Reddit except each sub is its own independent forum with its own, independent mods. Bots weren’t a concern. Trolls weren’t really formalized, though they certainly existed. Assholes gotta be assholes. Ads were barely a thing. The gnashing of teeth as banner ads first started to make inroads was real. There were lots of search engines.

    It was a bit more dangerous though. You could relatively easily download or open a virus, email spam with malware was definitely a thing and not filtered by ISPs. You could find some really dark corners and see some pretty awful things, ogrish was the precursor to live leak. Newsgroups were popular and a great place to find warez (nobody calls it warez anymore).

    There were a lot of people that made free software to fill in the gaps where big software needed help. Everything from photoshop filters to windows tweak tools to things like Gimp got some of their starts early on as dedicated programmers did it because they could. Plenty of niche hobby forums, help forums, weird shit, and almost none of it was monetized. There was no real social media. We just had newsgroups, AIM, MIRC, ICQ and the like.

    It was like MTV when they actually just played music and didn’t start all the tv show BS.

    I do miss that internet. I think it was easier to actually connect with people, content wasn’t shoved in your face, ads weren’t shoved in your face, you weren’t constantly tracked. You weren’t monetized. You were part of the internet, not the object to have money extracted from.