literally no lmao, this is pure online bullshit
literally no lmao, this is pure online bullshit
this will cause a right wing radicalization in veterans lmao
damn you, i was gonna post afromarxist lmaoooo
jk jk jk, i second that afromarxist recc they have a bunch of really good stuff on there
also that one speech of sankara hating on anarcho syndicalists is very funny
okay extremely based, it seems shes working on the criticisms of the last administration
good luck
what the fuck is this lmao
i gave them hope but they all seemed to be pathetic liberals, even the commies
nah plz destroy things
gender is in question
maybe he wanted to get caught
hows that new ‘government’ working out syria
oh my god the nazis are invading to ethnically cleanse you
communists are the only effective leaders istg
this guy is an annoying prick everytime i see him speaking
lmaooooo true every time we doom or lathe we’re wrong lmao
he knows it will get worse comrade, thats what hes saying. People are just too tired of war to care anymore.
there is a massive difference between colonial and anti colonial nationalism
i dont expect people to be woke, i expect people to not support nazbol shit
bro thats fascist brained
absolute nonsense pay no attention, there is literally absolutely no source for this.