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I’m a filthy fucking socialist.
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But …
But …
Trickle down economics!
I really don’t know why you’ve got so few upvotes, and equitable down votes, because this is great and succinct.
How do those things equate? I don’t get it.
Right? I grew up with pen and paper, but I’m better with keyboards.
No, the rest of that is also accurate info.
Most people who are homeless were a paycheck or two away from homelessness.
It’s easier for the housed to become homeless, than for the homeless to become housed. It’s systemic, and a good chunk of it is employers mistreating employees.
I’d be okay with a tiny studio apartment with just a separate bathroom, even sans closet, as long as I have a functional kitchen with space for a full fridge (not those BS “bachelor” units with a barely functioning kitchenette).
A few have basically stated that they didn’t even look at it prior to the interview.
The most recent one mentioned that it wasn’t “customer service focused”. Thing is, I was applying for a customer service job, and all of my jobs have had some kind of CS focus, so I dunno what they’re on about.
Still unemployed, to no one’s surprise.
By all means!
Should we give a shit about what Goldman Sachs says?
One thing I’m asking at job interviews now is “what about my resume stood out to you?” I might as well not even go in, based on their answers.
Like Fuckface 45 who definitely needs to extricate this plane of existence.
Initialisms, technically. But thank you nevertheless.