• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • The two are connected. Western civilians were willing to overlook the crimes of their governments against the world and themselves as long as they were provided a comfortable living. As, for example, Roosevelt found out, if you allow a whole generation to grow in impoverished conditions, seeing the injustices perpetrated daily on their parents, their communities, their country, and the rest of the world, they grow up to become radicalized and revolutionaries. This time, however, the Western governments have no third world to exploit to bribe the masses, hence they are eating each other. As Rosa Luxembourg said, the inevitable outcome will be socialism or barbarism.

  • Even if the non-combatant non-Palestinians who were killed were actually the majority and they were killed by Hamas, it would still be their fault to a varying extend. We have:

    1. People who consciously decided to be colonial settlers and gladly accepted to occupy a Palestinian house just a few kilometres away from the Gaza fence.

    2. People who had previously supported Israel and its armed thugs, who once were armed thugs themselves, and who decided it would be an excellent idea to run out of buildings and run towards said armed thugs, thinking they’d save them.

    3. People who consciously decided to attend a music festival right next to the world’s largest concentration camp.

    EDIT: Also, look for no further proof of Hamas’ and Hezzbolah’s moral code than their battle videos. Firstly, their transparency is unparalleled compared to any other armed force in the world. Secondly, they film almost everything, and they don’t do it “for propaganda” but for posterity, since everyone ignores their struggle and successes otherwise. Thirdly, their videos are easily verifiable, since they include precise location and dates. So what do these videos show? Exclusively fighting against military targets, ambushing soldiers, attacking bases or destroying military vehicles. Even from just the news, we know they never target civilian centers. So fuck this narrative

  • Israel has declared that victory would mean the utter destruction of Hamas. It’s been months and that victory is nowhere in sight. Hamas keeps inflicting heavy damage to the occupiers, both through direct battle and by exposing the murderous character of the IDF.

    Meanwhile, Israel’s economy is in shambles due to the war, especially due to the 2 million Israeli refugees from the border with Gaza and with Lebanon/Syria, who have been unemployed for months and demand compensation. Also the blockade being imposed by the heroic Yemenis.

    Support for Netanyahu is at its lowest (less than 20%), and he knows he’s going to jail for corruption charges unless he manages to turn himself into a hero by winning this war with Hamas, or by provoking Iran/Lebanon into an attack that would elevate him to a defense war-time prime minister.

    This is why Israel has been so provocative as to attack Iran’s embasy in Syria. This is why they keep making comments about being “ready to strike nuclear facilities and airfields in Iran”.

    And this is why they keep trying to create drama around the invasion of Rafah (oh when will it happen? We dont know but it’ll happen! Yes but when? Everybody’s anxious! It might not happen! Oh no a date will be announced they said!). Israel is trying to create the impression that if it invades Rafah, it will have achieved victory. They are making a narrative that there is the only place where Hamas still stands (which is false) and no matter what happens, the moment they invade they will have utterly destroyed Hamas. Netanyahu probably plans to exit the war after that point if his ploy succeeds with the Israeli voters.