OrionsMask [he/him, comrade/them]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 年前
Cake day: 2020年8月26日


  • Comrade, for the sake of your health, you have to step away, you have to put a barrier between yourself and these people. They’re evil, we know they are, what they’re cheering is a populated residential neighborhood being flattened to kill one man. They are devils walking the Earth. We can’t expect any better from them, so don’t let them into your mind, don’t allow them in. It’s nothing but poison. I’ve been there, and I feel the exact same emotions as you’ve voiced, every single thing you’ve said is something I’ve felt from the news and events alone, but you cannot allow the scum’s reaction to push you over the edge.

    Read the Gaza Q&A thread instead. If you’ve already read it, re-read it. Let the humanity wash over you instead, sorrow for them instead, and take to your heart their true belief in martyrdom instead.

  • Oh, I’m so so sorry about your ex… Yeah, I didn’t mean to downplay how much those online spaces can mean to us. It’s really awful that it was taken from you for not towing the mainstream line. I have a Palestinian flag pin that I put on my backpack but I take it off when I go into the office because no one at work would sympathise and I worry about retaliation for it, so I understand. Fucked up world we live in.

  • Hi friend. I know it seems hard right now but try to put yourself out there as much as you can, you’ll thank yourself for it later. Do whatever you can to push through the anxiety and muster up the strength to talk to people and be social, in whatever way is available. You aren’t annoying, you aren’t desperate, you’re just new and how you’re feeling is completely understandable. The decent people know and understand that and there are loads of them. You can do it, good luck.

  • I don’t think I’ll ever be a huge, huge poster. But what this site offers to me as a lurker is hope. Sometimes I feel like we live in hell on Earth and part of the punishment is that no one else is allowed to acknowledge it, but we acknowledge it, we call it out, and we commiserate. I wish I was closer to people here but sometimes just waking up and seeing that other people see it too is enough.