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Cake day: July 6th, 2024


  • Ooops@feddit.orgtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAlpha
    1 day ago

    Actual wolf packs are a family. One pair of adults plus their children. Until those are old enough, then they leave and search for a partner and own territory.

    All the stuff you read about pack alphas, all the sociological pseudo-science about alpha behavior derived from it… that’s all based on a one bullshit study about a large group of wolves artificially intoduced to a new area, that in no way behaved like wolves naturally do.

    Basically the equivalent of putting a few dozen teen-age boys on an isolated island then studying their behavior to understand human society.

  • Ooops@feddit.orgtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldOne big happy family.
    2 days ago

    Linux is Linux.

    We should send all those people, pages and guides suggesting distros to hell.

    And then instead we suggest update-schemes (fixed, rolling, slow-roll), package managers and Desktop environments. People with enough brain cells to start a computer are then absolutely able to chose a distro fitting them based on that. Everything else coming with a distro is just themeing/branding anyway…

    (and just for the use statistic: Archlinux, Opensuse (Leap and Kalpa), Debian here…)

  • I’ve been using Arch and Manjaro for couple years each and in my experience they both break regularly. But, for some weird reason, Arch Linux is praised, when Manjaro is shamed upon.

    No, there is not some weird reason but actual very good ones.

    Things can break on a bleeding edge update scheme. That’s to be expected from time to time. But the questions are “why did it break” and “what is done to fix it”.

    If something breaks on Archlinux it’s because of some new package with a issue that escaped testing. Then the fix come out as fast as possible (often within minutes even, but let’s assume hours as those things need to move through mirrors first…).

    If something breaks on Manjaro it’s either because of the exact same reason as above, but 2 weeks later. Because Manjaro keeps back updates for two weeks “for stability reasons”, yet doesn’t do anything in those 2 weeks. So they just add the same problem later, completely defeating the argumant about stability. Oh, and fixes are of course kept back for 2 weeks, too, because… reasons.

    Or it breaks because they fucked up their internal QA. For example by letting their certificates expire again and again and again and again… of by screwing up their very own pacman-wrapper and then ddos’ing the AUR for all users, not only Manjaro ones.

    Or -speaking about the AUR- it breaks because they give their users full access to the Arch User Repository (without any warnings about user content being less reliable and used at your own risk) pre-installed. Also they do it on a system generally out-of-date because it lags 2 weeks behind. Which is not what AUR packages are build for (they assume up-to-date systems) and is a straight path to dependency hell and breakings… not because something went wrong but because the whole concept of an out-of-date system not running their own also 2-weeks behind version onf the AUR is idiotic. On the “plus” side they have an easy fix: blame the user, because he should obviously know that an pre-installed part of Manjaro is conceptionally flawed and shouldn’t be trusted.

  • This would -at least as far as I understand it- limit your swap’s functionality for hibernation etc. Because there your swap needs to be available early. You can still do it in theory, but the key file then would need to be included in you initrams, which kind of defeats the purpose.

    There is however a much more easier option: either use LVM on luks (so the volume is decrypted with the password and then contains both, root and swap) or just use the same password for root and swap while switching over to the systemd hooks (as those encryption hooks try unlokcing everything with the first provided password by default, and only ask for additional password if this fails).

    EDIT: Seeing that you crossposted this from an archlinux-specific community: You can find the guide here. It’s for using a fully enrcypted system with grub as bootloader, but the details (in 8.3 and 8.4) are true for all boot methods. Replace the busybox hooks with their systemd equivalents (in minitcpio.conf for archlinux but again this isn’t limited to that init system), then add “rd.luks.name=<your swap’s uuid=swap” to your kernel parameters and also replace the “cryptdevice=UUID=<your root’s uuid>:root” that should already be there for an encrypted system (that’s the syntax for the busybox hook) with “rd.luks.name=<your root’s uuid>=root”. On startup you will be asked for your password as usual, but then both root and swap will be decrypted with it (PS: the sd-encrypt hook only tries this once… so if you screw up and misstype your password on the first try, you will then have to type it again two times, once for root, once for swap…)

  • When you say system drive this will also have your efi system partition (usually FAT-formated as that’s the only standard all UEFI implementations support), maybe also a swap partition (if not using a swap file instead) etc… so it’s not just copiying the btrfs partition your system sits on.

    Yes clonezilla will keep the same UUID when cloning (and I assume your fstab properly uses UUIDs to identify drivees). In fact clonezilla uses different tools depending on filesystem and data… on the lowest level (so for example on unlocked encrypted data it can’t handle otherwise) clonezilla is really just using dd to clone everything. So cloning your disk with clonezilla, then later expanding the btrfs partition to use up the free space works is an option

    But on the other hand just creating a few new partitions, then copying all data might be faster. And editing /etc/fstab with the new UUIDs while keeping everything else is no rocket science either.

    The best thing: Just pick a method and do it. It’s not like you can screw up it up as long if your are not stupid and accidently clone your empty new drive to your old one instead…

  • So to put this into perspective:

    Germany has (again) spend more than 8 billion (the planned budget for 2024) purely on military equipment for Ukraine just in the first half of the year. More than most countries combined (for reference the UK loudly announced the “largest-ever military aid package” ever earlier this year… 0,5 billion in total).

    And they simply can’t keep this up anymore while at the same time having to cut all budgets at home to stay within constitutional debt limits (PS: No, changing the constitutional debt limit isn’t an option. That would require votes from the opposition and they went apeshit obstructionist/populist the moment they were ousted).

    And although I have a particularly strong opinion on what will actually happen, let’s hope EU countries can finally get their shit together to create a sustainable base for Ukraine support instead of constantly relying on single countries’ short term planning.

  • Our tax money was used to finance Russias war of agression

    Because that’s not true. That’s the propaganda narrative that is repeated again and again.

    1. Nordstream 2 was planned and paid by Gazprom (owned by Russia), Uniper (then part of Fortum - owned by Finland), Shell (UK), OMV (Austria), Engie (partly owned by France), Wintershall (Germany).

    German tax payers did pay exactly zero (I don’t know enough about finances in Finland or France to know if they (indirectly) paid taxes for it. Those two -and Gazprom -where the only countries involved with the rest being private companies). German tax payers also didn’t care for European companies wanting to inrease their imports from Russia as Germany’s own gas consumption was stagnating for years.

    The only actual interest for the project in Germany was pushed by the local government in the state were the pipeline ended… because of additional jobs in construction and operation created.

    1. Germany financing Russia is also a lie people keep repeating. Actual trade balances are publically available. Germany pulled ~50 billion $ out of Russia over the years, while in the same time the US, UK, Poland and even Ukraine (although they are the ones not to blame here, as their options were limited) actually financed Russia via a massive trade deficit.

    PS: Do you want to know who was Ukraine’s biggest financial supporter since 2014? Also a detail that probably won’t match your chosen reality.

    and without 3 small nudges nothing tangible was going to change

    What should they have changed?

    Not opening NS2 in the first place? That is exactly what happenend. Before Russia started their invasion.

    Or should they have reduced the deliveries through NS1 from nothing to even less… oh, wait…

    Oh, I know. Should they have called Russia’s bluff about technical problems and then start legal procedings so German companies would not go bankrupt from payments for gas that they wouldn’t receive to finally close the Nordstream chapter? Again, that’s exactly what happenend.

    And more than a month later an unused (NS1) and unoperational (NS2) pipeline exploded.

    Please point out the change those “small nudges” (interesting choice of words for an act of war against a countries infrastructure btw…) brought.

    Why wouldn’t the average Germans response be something like

    Why do Germans react the way they do? Because we are sick of the lies and how screwing up then pointing fingers at Germany is Europe’s tried and true strategy number 1.

    Germany’s dependence on Russian gas was slightly below EU average (no wonder when they were Europe’s 2nd biuggest gas exporter with no production because everyone imported Russian gas via pipelines ending in Germany)… Yet lying and phantasizing about Germany being dependent was easier than to acknowledge their mistake. And to add insult to injury some countries even screamed loudly at Germany for still importing Russian gas while getting exactly that gas for themselves, usually without it ever reaching Germany but only theoretically being bought from Germany on paper (looking at Poland in particular).

    As already mentioned above Germany was one of the few European countries with a trade surplus not financing Russia. Yet telling the fairy tale of how they alone paid for Putins war is easier the telling a truth your voters wouldn’t like. Blaming someone else is much better when you want to keep your governing job.

    Oh and let’s not forget oil. Let’s talk about the fact that every single country along that pipeline massivel increased their imports from Russia all through 2022 and the first half of 2023… everyone but Germany that is, while everyone screamed about Germany financing Russia via oil imports.

    It’s also not limited to Russia in any way: Half of Europe has sold the majority (or all) of their harbors to China. But when Germany reacted by selling a minority share of one single terminal to compete with the massive disadvantage of chinese ships stopping anywhere else then shipping to Germany via land routes there was a massive international outcry why the evil Germans would try to sell out to China. Do you want to guess who worked on correcting that problem at home? Spoiler: Nobody, because the usual “but Germany”-diversion worked.

    If you want more diverse reactions from Germans: Get a new scapegoat for once. Until that happens you will only see two reactions: ignoring the daily “Germany bad”-narrative or telling you very clearly what kind of bullshit this is. And judging by the amount of downvotes, insults and accusations of being a Russian troll I get here, the latter group is so small nowadays that people aren’t used anymore to get their propaganda narratives challenged.

    Either that or people are really not able to argue anymore, operating mostly on feelings of righteous zeal and attacking everything challenging their dogma. But I’m (for now) still too much of an optimist to believe that version…