This may be overkill for most use cases but you can use jcr.
The best reason to use it in my book is the garbage collection as the official registry doesn’t have that feature and can and will bloat over time.
This may be overkill for most use cases but you can use jcr.
The best reason to use it in my book is the garbage collection as the official registry doesn’t have that feature and can and will bloat over time.
You should look into GrapheneOS if you’re set on using pixel.
You may want to give this a quick read before using signal
I personally haven’t verified the claims on there but I’ve been using a personal instance of Matrix for a while now and it’s been working great.
Funny enough I already made a few changes to the traefik configs, I saw someone else’s post and if it’s safe to assume that any request with Accept header starting with application/ should be routed to the Lemmy server, the following would work as well:
- traefik.http.routers.leddit-api.rule=Host(``) && (PathPrefix(`/api`, `/pictrs`, `/feeds`, `/nodeinfo`, `/.well-known`) || Method(`POST`) || HeadersRegexp(`Accept`, `^[Aa]pplication/.+`))
I’ve also added caching policies to make sure none of the API responses are cached and having the UI be cached explicitly since it’s not done today.
- traefik.http.routers.leddit-api.middlewares=no-cache
- traefik.http.routers.leddit-web.middlewares=cache-control
- traefik.http.middlewares.cache-control.headers.customresponseheaders.Cache-Control=public, max-age=86400
I use a combination of netbox for the physical/logical network and server connectivity, and outline for text documentation of the different components.