• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • my initial thought was that it actually didn’t use that many leitmotifs: just spamton’s two motifs, the world revolving + power of neo, and dummy!. but that’s actually more leitmotifs (5) than hopes and dreams (4: once upon a time A and C, your best friend, and snowdin town), chaos king (3: card castle, lancer, legend), and attack of the killer queen (3 or 4: queen, maybe another queen motif somewhere?, berdly’s 2 motifs), assuming i have everything correct! (i’m counting each distinct section of a source song as a unique leitmotif.)

    watched the linked video for the first time, though i’m sure i’ve seen it plenty of times in my recommendations. i didn’t consider melody A’’ to be a variation of melody A, but i suppose it kinda makes sense. i assume this was one of the more influential analyses of big shot’s leitmotifs?

  • accessible version (not an exact transcription):

    Kirby, Bandee, and Elfilin are making their way through the Wondaria theme park.

    Elfilin, confused: A water pipe?

    Kirby thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea.

    He puts his mouth on the water pipe, and fills up with water like a balloon.

    He then waddles over to a nearby patch of mud, and sprays it all away.

    Elfilin, happy: Neat idea, Kirby!

    Kirby happily hums a “Thank you!”

    The three of them move forward, with Kirby washing away more mud (and enemies, too). They hop up a newly cleaned (courtesy of Kirby) set of stairs.

    As Kirby blasts away more enemies, Bandee sees some flowers that aren’t doing too well.

    Bandee: Looks like those flowers up ahead could use some water, too!

    Kirby obliges. The flowers, once dull and wilted, now stand tall and vibrant.

    Bandee, happy: Nice job!

    Kirby happily hums a “Poyo!”

    Kirby tries to climb up a ladder to the next area. Unfortunately, he’s too large and heavy to do so.

    He then tries – and (of course) fails – to jump up there without the ladder.

    This makes him sad for a moment, but then he starts thinking…

    …And he turns to face Bandee with a mischievious smile.

    Bandee, worried, thinking: Uh-oh. What’s he planning to do–

    Bandee yelps as Kirby blasts him in the face with a stream of water.

    Bandee, playfully upset: Kirby!

    Kirby’s still wearing that mischievious smile.

    Bandee screams as he barely dodges another stream of water from Kirby.

    Kirby starts spinning around in an attempt to hit Bandee, who lets out another scream – much more playfully this time – as he runs in a circle around Kirby.

    Elfilin, a safe distance above all the action, watches the two with great amusement.

    A few seconds pass. Kirby starts to run low on water… but as he loses water, he also gains speed!

    Bandee, scared, thinking: Oh no! He’s getting faster!

    Bandee, determined, thinking: …That just means I gotta get faster, too!

    Bandee picks up the pace.

    A few more seconds pass. Kirby still hasn’t scored a second hit on Bandee.

    Kirby, a bit tuckered out, pauses for a moment to catch his breath.

    Bandee doesn’t notice! He continues to run around Kirby…

    …who, seizing the opportunity, blasts out all of his remaining water right as Bandee runs past him again!

    Bandee yelps again as all the water hits him.

    Kirby, happy: Poyo!

    Kirby, smiling: …I’m all outta water!

    Elfilin, happy: That looked like fun!

    Kirby, pleased: Yeah, it was!

    Bandee, happy: Well, it was really fun, but…

    Bandee, relieved: I’m just glad it’s over now!

    Elfilin looks at the two of them with a happy expression…

    …but then he notices something.

    Elfilin, happy: …Hey, Kirby!

    Elfilin, winking: I see another water pipe up ahead!

    Bandee, playfully upset: Elfilin!

    The end.

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baphomet

    Baphomet is a deity allegedly worshipped by the Knights Templar that subsequently became incorporated into various occult and Western esoteric traditions. The name Baphomet appeared in trial transcripts for the Inquisition of the Knights Templar starting in 1307. It first came into popular English usage in the 19th century during debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templar order. Baphomet is a symbol of balance in various occult and mystical traditions, the origin of which some occultists have attempted to link with the Gnostics and Templars, although occasionally purported to be a deity or a demon. Since 1856 the name Baphomet has been associated with the “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn by Éliphas Lévi, composed of binary elements representing the “symbolization of the equilibrium of opposites”: half-human and half-animal, male and female, good and evil, etc. Lévi’s intention was to symbolize his concept of balance, with Baphomet representing the goal of perfect social order.


    ralsei is the one trying to maintain the balance of light and dark, i suppose

    *google translates the title*


  • it’s not an easy question for me!

    i’ll highlight two from undertale: first, it’s pretty cool how waterfall is kind of a “leitmotif bridge” between ruins and another medium / core. too bad snowy isn’t connected in the same way

    more notably: the way don’t give up uses the variation of the ruins leitmotif from an ending / undyne’s neutral death theme is pretty amazing. with pretty much the exact same melody and rhythm, it manages to go from depressing and emotional to inspiring… and emotional.

    for deltarune, i’ll highlight two from chapter 1 and one from chapter 2. i like how field of hopes and dreams, as the very first “proper” area theme, heavily emphasizes the don’t forget leitmotif, using it in a cheerful, upbeat way.

    as for one of the very last songs in chapter one, the way chaos king just blasts you with the legend section C in a refreshing burst of determination and hope that contrasts nicely with the rest of the theme… yeah even in chapter 1, despite lacking the various improvements of chapter 2, toby fox absolutely nailed it with everything music-wise.

    and as for chapter 2, the way berdly’s theme is incorporated into attack of the killer queen is both surprisingly subtle (especially since it actually takes up more of the song than queen’s own leitmotif(!)) and, just, pleasant to listen to. in particular, i love the way they changed around the rhythm for section B of berdly’s theme.

  • in my opinion:

    titles that are just awesome: Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit, The Star Conquering Traveler, The Raging Lion Roars, The World to Win, Faded Dream of a Psychomeddler, Settling a Score ~ Atone for One’s Misdeeds!, Supreme Ruler’s Coronation - OVERLORD, A Full-Speed Farewell from the New World, probably a whole bunch more but i’m gonna end there

    titles that inherit their awesomeness from something else: The Wastes Where Life Began, “Mistilteinn, Tree Crown without a Ruler”

    titles that are nice in some other way: From Those Who Departed for Space, I’m a Hungry Pink Puffball!, Soaring Determination: No Night is Eternal

    titles that i pay more attention to than the song they come from: Please Don’t Inhale the Cinema Patrons

    a nice title for a not-so-pleasant song: Eternal Echo of the Thrilling Tour-our-our

    unofficial titles that i prefer over the official ones: Moonstruck Blossom [official: Fatal Blooms in Moonlight], Looming Darkness [Another Dimension], Fly! Kirby of the Stars [Fly, Kirby!], Swole Dedede Scuffle [Macho of Dedede]

    unofficial title where although the official one is cooler, i’m way more used to the unofficial one: Under My Control [Welcome Your New Overlord]

  • accessible version (not an exact replication, i’m more aiming for an equivalent user experience):

    Kirby and Bandana Dee are giving Elfilin a tour of Castle Dedede.

    Bandee, happy: …And finally, my room!

    Bandee opens the door. The three of them go in.

    Bandee: Man, it’s been so long since I’ve last been in here!

    Bandee, happy: It’s good to be home!

    Elfilin, happy: It’s a really nice room!

    Elfilin: …Um, what are all these big boxes for?

    Bandee, eyes sparkling: Oh! My apple juice collection!

    Bandee zips over to the large boxes, stabs one open with a spear, and pulls out a juice box, all in the span of a second or two.

    Bandee happily sips apple juice.

    Elfilin, shocked: Whoa…

    Kirby, smiling: Bandee just loves apple juice! Dedede put all those boxes here just for him!

    Bandee, happy: I haven’t had any in so long! It’s as good as ever!

    Kirby, smiling wide: …I want some too!

    Bandee, happy: Here, catch!

    Kirby, smiling: Thanks Bandee!

    Kirby realizes something.

    Kirby: Wait!

    Kirby runs over to the apple juice boxes, his own unopened juice box in hand.

    Kirby, smiling wide: Let’s play the Apple Juice Game!

    Elfilin, confused: The Apple Juice Game?

    Bandee, happy: The Apple Juice Game!

    Bandee: Whoever drinks the most apple juice wins!

    Kirby, smiling wide: It’s a thing we do a lot whenever I visit Bandee’s room!

    Kirby, smiling: Ready, Bandee?

    Bandee finishes his juice box and grabs a new one.

    Bandee: Ready! 3… 2… 1…

    Kirby and Bandee, happily in unison: Go!

    Kirby and Bandee drink apple juice at… well, at the pace you’d expect from those two in particular, really.

    Bandee’s simultaneously humming the Apple Scramble theme. Somehow.

    Elfilin, scared: Don’t drink so fast!

    Kirby and Bandee, to the surprise of nobody but Elfilin, don’t listen.

    …In fact, they start to drink even faster.

    Elfilin, worried: Aren’t you guys afraid of choking?

    No response. They’re both too busy drinking apple juice.

    They finish juice box after juice box after juice box. The empty, discarded juice boxes form an ever-growing pile on the floor.

    As the game goes on, Elfilin has some inner monologue.

    Shocked: That’s more than ten juice boxes already!

    Scared: How many more are they gonna drink?!

    Back to normal: …Huh, was Bandee humming something this whole time?

    Happy: …It’s kinda catchy!

    As the song reaches its climax, Kirby joins in on the humming.

    In pain: Ow! My eardrums-- Whoa!

    Shocked: How did that pile of empty juice boxes suddenly become twice as big!?

    Elfilin’s monologue ends.

    Kirby and Bandee hum the final five notes of the song as they finish off the final few juice boxes in the large box.

    Bandee, happy: …And we’re outta apple juice!

    Kirby, happy: Poyo!

    Elfilin, worried: …Um, how many juice boxes was that…?

    Bandee, happy: Well, each of these big boxes has 30 juice boxes, so that’s how many we drank in total!

    Elfilin is shocked into silence.

    Elfilin, putting up a happy face: …So, then… who won?

    Bandee, happy: Oh, we don’t actually keep track!

    Kirby, happy: We both got to drink a whole bunch of yummy apple juice!

    Bandee, happy: So in a way, we both won!

    Elfilin: …Oh…

    Bandee: Wanna try some for yourself, Elfilin?

    Elfilin: …Um, sure…

    Elfilin: But, um, just one, please.

    Bandee opens up another large box. He takes out five juice boxes: two for him, two for Kirby, and one for Elfilin.

    Elfilin, happy: …Wow! It is really tasty!

    Bandee, happy: I’m glad you like it!

    Kirby, smiling wide: Maybe you could join us next time we play the Apple Juice Game?

    Elfilin thinks for a moment.

    Elfilin, happy: …Well, it does seem kinda fun!

    The end.

  • i thought i was done, but then some time later there were various tweaks and changes i wanted/needed to make to the portraits. making bandee more red, correcting elfilin’s nose colour (it was originally the same as his inner ear colour for some reason), changing a certain portrait type to make it convey its thing more effectively, etc.

    i’ll be checking things over again, one last time if i’m (un)lucky (it’s lucky to catch things in time, but it’s even luckier to not have anything that needs to be caught). assuming everything goes smoothly, prepare to see a new post from me in 1-3 hours.

  • i’m pretty much done with everything! expect to see the final product sometime tomorrow (well, in my timezone, technically today).

    all of the necessary portraits are done! (as are some unused ones that were convenient to make from other portraits.) i also spent an ungodly amount of time on an “hd” (read: 144×144 instead of 48×48) version of a certain portrait. which you won’t be seeing in the project itself but maybe i’ll post it at some point. i was going to do the same thing with the other characters’ versions of the portrait but then i decided against it because it would require an even ungodlier amount of time and effort.

    all of the other portrait work, in contrast, was actually quite easy. thankfully.

    i was going to post just that back when i finished the portrait stuff, but then lemmy.world was down so instead i started work on the rest of the programming that i had to do. that was… a journey. tougher than i expected, but not too bad. somehow the code actually got less messy the more i worked on it???

    anyway! just a few final things and i’ll be ready! i have a near-final version of the thing at hand, and… well, it wasn’t exactly the scene i was imagining in my head, but i still like the final result! i literally just had an idea as i was looking over the thing as i was writing the previous few sentences! so i’ll do that, do some final checks, transcribe things into a screen-reader-friendly form, and then i’ll be set to share it all with you guys in somewhere between 6 and 18 hours depending on my sleep schedule! =D

  • i’m gonna use this thread as a place to post status updates on the project

    i got kirby, bandee, and elfilin’s neutral sprites done yesterday, as well as all of the coding until i realized i should probably do some stuff to make line wrapping and text overflow less painful to deal with. today i’ll be working on that, as well as the rest of the dialogue portraits. will hopefully be less of a pain now that i have base images to build off of.

    here’s a silly demo i made yesterday

    silly demo, transcription below

    Everyone say something!
    [kirby open smile]: Poyo!
    [bandee neutral]: Wanya!
    [elfilin neutral]: Um… Hi?

  • original svg source code:

    	elfilem (more polished version)
    	created by NumericBiconditional
    	based on the lemmy logo and elfilin from kirby
    	main sources:
    		lemmy logo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Lemmy_Logo.svg
    		elfilin (krtdldx mask): https://wikirby.com/wiki/File:KRtDLD_Elfilin_Mask_artwork.png
    	i learned how to write svg code specifically for this
    	don't expect it to be idiomatic svg code
    	we'll be working with a 1024x1024 canvas, just like the original image i got from wikipedia
    	to make life slightly easier on me,
    	i decided to make (0, 0) the center of the canvas and have up be the positive direction
    	we have (-512, -512) as the bottom left corner and (512, 512) as the top right corner
    	i tried to make shapes match up with the original image, to some extent.
    	you can't see it in the final version of the code,
    	but i was originally making this in a modified version of the original file.
    	i would overlay the original image on top of my version with 50% opacity
    	whenever i wanted to compare the two images to check accuracy.
    	to use a gray background instead of a transparent one, add `style="background-color: #808080;"` to the svg tag
    	or alternatively just edit the image in your favourite image editing program
    <svg version="1.1" width="1024" height="1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
    	<g transform="translate(512 512) scale(1 -1)">
    				there's this weird double outline thing going on, and i dealt with that by
    				drawing everything multiple times with outlines of different colours and thickness.
    			<g id="ears">  <!-- elfilem's ears - the cyan rim is also implemented as an outline -->
    					notched ear (his right, our left)
    					i decided to implement this in truly one of the ways of all time.
    					start with a circle of radius 5 centered at the origin.
    					from (0, -5) to (-3, 4) and from (3, 4) to (0, -5), use the arc of the circle.
    					but from (-3, 4) to (3, 4), flip the arc of the circle upside down to create the ear notch.
    					and then scale, translate, and rotate the circle into an ear.
    					oh yeah and i intentionally chose a circle of radius 5
    					so that i could work with 3-4-5 right triangles and avoid headaches with the coordinate system
    				<path d="
    					M 0 -5
    					A 5 5 0 0 0 -3 4
    					A 5 5 0 0 1 3 4
    					A 5 5 0 0 0 0 -5
    				" fill="#ffc080" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"
    				transform="rotate(60 -320 136) translate(-320 136) scale(17.6 21.6)"/>
    					normal ear (his left, our right)
    					similar to the notched ear case
    					but we can simply use the circle of radius 5 without doing any flippy business
    				<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="5" fill="#ffc080" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke"
    				transform="rotate(-60 320 136) translate(320 136) scale(17.6 21.6)"/>
    			<g id="main">  <!-- the rest of elfilem -->
    					modelled as two semicircles, the top one slightly more "flat" than the bottom one
    					to approximate the shape of the original lemmy head
    				<path d="
    					M -288 0
    					A 288 216 0 0 0 288 0
    					M -288 0
    					A 288 280 0 0 1 288 0
    				" fill="#80ffff"/>
    					moved way up from the original image, and also stretched out into ovals.
    					i think it still preserves the "lemminess" of the original image, though
    					tried experimenting with a gradient effect for the white part, but ultimately that didn't work out
    				<!-- eyes - outer blue part -->
    				<ellipse cx="-112" cy="0" rx="32" ry="64" fill="#4080ff" stroke="#0040c0" stroke-width="16"/>
    				<ellipse cx="112" cy="0" rx="32" ry="64" fill="#4080ff" stroke="#0040c0" stroke-width="16"/>
    				<!-- eyes - inner white part -->
    				<ellipse cx="-112" cy="24" rx="16" ry="32" fill="#ffffff" stroke="transparent"/>
    				<ellipse cx="112" cy="24" rx="16" ry="32" fill="#ffffff" stroke="transparent"/>
    				<!-- cheek blushes ~~(the most important part of a chimchila)~~ -->
    				<circle cx="-176" cy="-128" r="32" fill="#ffc0c0" stroke="transparent"/>
    				<circle cx="176" cy="-128" r="32" fill="#ffc0c0" stroke="transparent"/>
    				<!-- nose -->
    				<ellipse cx="0" cy="-248" rx="72" ry="72" fill="#ff8040"/>
    				<!-- whiskers -->
    				<g stroke-linecap="round">
    					<line x1="-240" y1="-160" x2="-336" y2="-200"/>
    					<line x1="-176" y1="-232" x2="-224" y2="-304"/>
    					<line x1="176" y1="-232" x2="224" y2="-304"/>
    					<line x1="240" y1="-160" x2="336" y2="-200"/>
    			putting it all together
    			there's a specific order to do everything in
    			it's a bit of a weird order because of what needs to be in front and what needs to be behind other stuff
    		<use href="#ears" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="105"/>  <!-- ears with white outline -->
    		<use href="#main" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="56"/>  <!-- everything else with white outline -->
    		<use href="#ears" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="77"/>  <!-- ears with black outline -->
    		<use href="#ears" stroke="#80ffff" stroke-width="21"/>  <!-- ear rims (cyan outline) -->
    		<use href="#main" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="28"/>  <!-- everything else with black outline -->