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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2022


  • rather simp for someone opposing nato expansion than for a neonazi puppet regime staffed by people handpicked by the CIA. I swear you liberals refuse on purpose to understand that in the grand scheme of things the action of a “bad guy” can still be beneficial.

    Russia isn’t conquering the world anytime soon. So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won’t be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

    We saw what happened last time russia got defeated. We lost a bastion of socialism, we saw tens of millions impoverished while a few capitalits dismantled everything that the USSR had built, and the whole thing ushered 40 years of hegemonic atlantist domination.

    So yeah, i am rooting for the “neoliberal protofascist dictatorship”. There is a reason why literally nobody in the global south sanctioned Russia. 75% of the planet is reasoning the same way i am.

  • Could you describe your situation a bit better in terms of general conditions? I have some knowledge but it is mostly relevant to the conditions in my country. Stuff like wheater, police attitude, crime, etc.

    Anway, some things i suggest to the people i work with (i am a social worker, have experience with migrants who received little to no support) include:

    • there are apps that allow you to buy leftover store products at a dirt cheap price. In my country it’s called “TooGoodToGo” and you can buy “closed boxes” of products for like 2 dollars. For example a bakery will throw in some croissants, some bread and a couple sandwiches. At least in Switzerland, with high living costs, it is by far the most efficient way to spend your money and getting stuff that’s ready to eat.

    • Get to know the public spaces in your area. You can spend a lot of time in a nice and comfortable building if you care to look for places like libraries, public centers or clubs, and you’ll also mitigate one of the main dangers of homelessness: social isolation.

    • Prioritize hygiene, washing your clothes and your car. You say you have a job so money shouldn’t be a giant issue - don’t be cheap on this stuff. It’s way more important than we think, both practically, socially and psychologically.

    • Do anything in your power to maintain your network of friends and acquaintances. Being socially integrated negates most of the psychological challenges normally posed by homelessness.

    • This is obvious, but in general keep yourself occupied. The more time you spend doing stuff in places, the less time you spend thinking about the feelings of instability and vulnerability that comes from not having a house.

    Anyway, i feel like having a job and a car (assuming you are financially somewhat stable) puts you in a good situation. It will suck for a while, but you have all the cards to make it. Good luck comrade, let us know how it goes

  • i mean it’s not exactly a mistery. We are sexual beings, the orgasm releases a lot of feel-good chemicals and we are hardwired to chase things that make us feel good. It’s both something inherently addictive and something tied into our very psychology.

    it’s like not being able to wrap up your head on how and why people eat fast food even though it’s unhealthy. Both our bodies and minds respond positively to it, that’s all