I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
Hey I’m new here. What do you mean by change instance? Like I see the different subs/communities or what y’all call em, but I’ve just been scrolling through the “everything” tab or whatever it’s called.
I followed some of my interests but generally I just sort by top in the past hour and scroll away.
That’s the best part. It kinda works either way.
Yeah I was gonna say… He sure picked a great time to become best buddy with the most powerful man in the free world lol.
Nothing will come of this.
It’s almost like… They never cared in the first place. I don’t know why so many people are shocked. They only ever cared about money. The millisecond they were no longer at risk of losing capitol for not having a thing of course they were all gonna drop it.
Remember it’s not a war crime the first time you do it.
In the famous words of Scott Pilgrim: “BREAD MAKES YOU FAT?!”
I don’t even understand what you’re trying to say with that picture. I do thoroughly enjoy someone deep throating my dick. Are you offering?
I respect that. I also refuse to block people even I I really don’t like them. Only people who spam me or bots ever get blocked. I refuse to silence voices I disagree with because then I’m just bumbling through life completely unaware of an entire perspective which I find unhealthy. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with other people’s perspectives whatsoever but I am glad that I heard them.
I totally see your point and I completely agree. There is no way for me to know how much each individual user on this site is posting about or interacting with “Trump bad” content. Just scrolling through the front page or whatever it’s called around here it really seems like it’s an obsession from multiple people. Somehow more posts about Trump than on that other site which had a comical left lean already. This site from my limited time here seems to be even farther left and almost entirely void of moderate or right leaning voices.
So you can see how I might have gotten the impression that people around here really are obsessed around hating the guy (which I feel I must remind people I do completely understand to an extent).
I saw a post from awhile back where someone asked if this site was a left wing echo chamber and if that was a good idea. The fact that any comment on that thread that was even remotely moderate was downvoted tells me that the grand majority on this site are far left and unwilling to even entertain a single thought that isn’t also far left. Which is very sad. Because that’s how you lose all perspective and fall into endless echo chambers.
I don’t agree with many people around here but I am still very glad that I am able to have conversations with them and hear a perspective besides my own. I used to be further right on some topics, but after talking to people all along the political spectrum I found that I didn’t actually agree with my old stance anymore and I changed it.
Why would I shout at people who aren’t obsessing over a situation they can’t control and letting it bleed into their daily life?
I would say the same things to any far right nutjobs that were posting how much they hated all the liberal snowflakes or Joe Biden every day, but those people don’t exist on this site. So yeah its gonna appear like I’m only calling out one side of this coin because this site is almost exclusively the left side of the coin. I can’t really call out people who aren’t here now can I?
Again there is a big difference between paying attention and making hating someone a major part of your identity which I know for a fact is true for many people who are chronically online and on the far left.
And good on you for ignoring me. As you should. Exercise free will and don’t give time or energy to things or people you can’t do anything about.
I don’t feel I have been vitriolic in the comments. If it’s comes across that way I do apologize.
I have already admitted in another comment that I am wasting my time trying to have discussions with people who are clearly not open to changing their minds.
Just seems like a massive waste of time and energy from so many of you. Much like this is a waste of my time.
Again it is what it is. Oh well.
This is true. I don’t know how often everyone individually posts and looks at these things. I’m just going off my scroll through the “r/all” (is it just called Lemmy everything or something?) of this site. It’s like every other post and in the comments of each post are similar comments all saying variations of the same things.
Considering how Lemmy appears to have a HEAVY left wing bias I feel fairly confident saying that most of the people on this site spend too much time thinking about Trump and interacting with content around how much they hate Trump. However that is a generalization and I shouldn’t be doing that.
I’m not saying to completely ignore the President of the United states. I’m saying that obsessing over him for every waking moment of your existence is doing way more harm to most of these peoples daily happiness than they should be.
Like most things. The extreme ends of “I’m gonna complain about him as much as I possibly can at all times” and “I’m gonna unplug from reality and pretend he doesn’t exist” are both terrible.
Probably better to be somewhere in the middle. Be aware of what’s going on. Hold firm on your beliefs but be open to being wrong. Don’t let it effect your daily existence.
At the end of the day we only have full control over how we choose to spend our energy. These people are choosing to give so much of their time and energy to this situation they really can’t do much of anything about. Kinda like I spent too much time on social media arguing with people who are clearly never going to change their minds on anything.
It is what it is I guess.
I’ll place a gentlemans bet with you right now that he doesn’t touch the 22nd amendment in any way.
Check back in with me in 4 years to collect your dollar if you’re right. Or you owe me a dollar when he steps down like he is supposed to in January of 2029.
If he’s assassinated or anything else external happens to him the bet is neutralized.
I never said he doesn’t have power over peoples lives. I simply pointed out that obsessing over him and making multiple posts about him every day all over the place does absolutely nothing but keep all of you angry for the rest of your existence.
In no way am I excusing his behavior, but I am calling you out for keeping all your own lives way more miserable than they need to be.
Y’all can keep your negativity circle jerk. I’ll worry about the things in my life I can actually control instead of constantly wasting my time and energy bitching on the Internet about a guy that I will never be able to influence on any way whatsoever.
I genuinely feel bad for all of you. So full of hate for a man you can’t do anything about you’re letting him have more effect over your life and mental health than he ever should.
“I’m gonna prove to this random guy on the Internet how not obsessed I am with Trump by carefully listing out all the things I despise about him in one big paragraph. That’ll teach him”.
Man you really showed me.
All of you would feel much better on a daily basis if you stop obsessing over a guy you can’t do a single thing about. You voted. That’s about all you can do these days unless you are extremely wealthy.
Constantly making posts about him and getting into a negative circle jerk does nothing for your own sanity. It’s legitimately unhealthy behavior.
And they really don’t like when you call them out over their obsession lol
Nah I’m the other guy lol.