Lurkerino [comrade/them]

3D artist

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I read somewhere that doing this lets the body recover, apparently we have some small hairy stuff inside our veins walls, and food after being converted to sugar and go throw our veins damages these walls, and they need 12 hours to recover completely. I guess you also give more time for the body to use fat as fuel and lose some weight.

    Im not a doctor or anything, these “hairy stuff” is called endothelial cells, there are some studies like this one.

  • I was suicidal too some years ago, maternal abuse and fathers suicide, while having to still pass my studies.

    I managed to finish my studies and then I broke down, I spent two years just smoking weed and playing videogames while thinking about death.

    After taking mushrooms my depressiom improved and I was able to have enough energy to continue my life, 3 years later I feel much better and my life is a lot better too.

    I hated when people told me to not do it, but now im not so sure, things really have gotten better for me in ways I would have never thought of.

    I guess make sure you have looked at every option before doing anything.