Is it me or are there guts in this picture?
Is it me or are there guts in this picture?
Also, as if many CEO’s and upper managements humanize their customers and not see them as numbers in a spreadsheet.
You didn’t answer the question brah.
EDIT: Honestly, sometimes people don’t pick up sarcasm.
As if this makes any difference to an average Republican and some Democrats. US people panic when they hear socialism even if it’s refered to social democratic state which essentially is a hybrid between liberal economy with socialism so that the worst part of the two systems are removed or diminished.
That is to say that USA wouldn’t need to turn into Soviet Union to become a social democracy and could have benefits of both systems. Unfortunately the brains have been in the washing for way to long by the wealthy elites as they are the only ones that would lose in such system.
Didn’t you hear about the X-odus to Bluesky?
Elephants are also tired of those pesky tourists.
Isn’t there like a story about Chewbacca being from a planet where all his folks wear cloths?
Do you know that political systems are a spectrum and hard socialism or communism are not eh only alternatives to rampant capitalism? Have you heard of Scandinavian countries like Sweden or Norway? If not, I strongly recommend reading about their political systems.
Laughs in Nestle.
Sometimes they do, sometimes (most times probably) they don’t. However they don’t work 100% of the time if attempts are never made.
Yes, let’s make the poor people that cannot afford EV pay for emissions.
I don’t know how to play it but I will just say that Songster is an amazing app and I am happy I purchased the live long subscription.
I totally get all the concerns related to AI. However, the bandwagon of: “look it made a mistake, it’s useless!” is a bit silly.
First of all, AI is constantly improving. Remember everyone laughing at AI’s mangled fingers? Well, that has been fixed some time ago. Now pictures of people are pretty much indistinguishable from real ones.
Second, people also make critical mistakes, plenty at that. The question is not whether AI can be absolutely accurate. The question is whether AI can make on average fewer mistakes than human.
I hate the idea of AI replacing everything and everyone. However, pretending that AI will not be eventually faster, better, cheeper and more accurate that most humans is wishful thinking. I honestly think that our only hope is legislation, not the desperate wish that AI will always need human supervision and input to be correct.