Inui [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • As an average looking mayo, I had tons of people asking to take my picture in the middle of Xi’an around 2016. I wasn’t there as a tourist though so we weren’t anywhere near the terracotta army or anything and were probably the only non-Chinese people to be at the rural temples and stuff we were visiting. I thought one guy was asking me to take his picture in front of a big mural, but he pulled me in for a selfie instead. I don’t think it was like “omg a white person” though as much as “omg a foreigner in my part of town”. If they weren’t so racist, someone in rural Arkansas (or wherever) would probably get excited about a Chinese person in their town just because its a rare circumstance.

  • Inui [comrade/them]@lemmy.mltomemes@hexbear.netyes
    2 days ago

    I feel like a lot of these memes come from folks in STEM. Always talking about ‘labs’. A lot of liberal arts are essentially solo unless they actively choose to pursue collaborative work. And there’s no pressure to publish in many places because a new monograph on veganism in the 16th century doesn’t bring in any money anyway. And that’s great. They’re more focused on teaching and its kinda exciting to get paid to talk about and research your special interest all day. As long as future PhDs don’t go in without a backup plan since there ain’t enough faculty positions for everyone. Ofc, I know someone who finished one in literature and pretty much hates books now. Always two sides to the coin.

  • I do. But only the Ublue variants. Bazzite, Aurora, or Bluefin depending in if someone games or prefers a Windows or MacOS style desktop. Ublue adds so much that makes things “just work” that stock Fedora doesn’t. Drivers, codecs, patches. I had to add GRUB arguments to stock Fedora to even make it boot with my Nvidia card. I never had that problem with Mint, PopOS, or even Arch with archinstall. A noob isn’t doing that.

    That said, atomic distros have their own problems. The install order is Flatpak or Brew, distrobox, then layering as a last resort. What happens to the newbie when a Flatpak doesn’t work properly because of some unknown permission issue that needs Flatseal? Or when its objectively worse than the layered counterpart, like Steam? They have to move down the line and at the very least read the docs on how to install each of these things. I had to look up how to enable a Brew service for Syncthing to work just the other day because the Syncthingy flatpak wouldn’t work.

  • As much as I hate Walmart and especially Dollar Stores, living in a town without any chain stores sucks. Its real fun going to 5 different stores looking for something like a toothbrush holder (or any other nonessential item) and none of them have it because they all sell the same stuff so you just order it from Amazon anyway. Meanwhile there’s 3 Mexican restaurants on the same block and 2 board game shops or hyper niche ‘boutique shops’ literally across the street from each other next to other dead businesses in a strip mall.

    Local businesses have no concept of overlap or market saturation and leave inventory gaps that necessitate online ordering anyway. Good luck opening the 7th pizza shop in town when one of those Mexican restaurants closes, bozo.

    I know it doesn’t have to be this way and I’m ranting but that’s been my experience living in several places that are hostile to corporations but don’t have anything resembling a co-op culture. I’ve been to Eastern Oregon and I would hate to be a resident there, Dollar General or no. Its car brained to the max (because its so rural) and is a good example of food deserts.

  • As someone who isn’t a fan of ARPGs at all, the two biggest problems I have are that click to move feels significantly worse than using a controller in something like Diablo 3/4 or even Dark Alliance like 20 years ago. It’s a convention that I feel is representative of the genre in that most of the big games use it, but that its also an unnecessary limitation in the same way as Real Time with Pause (a design choice) and the DOTA 2 camera unable to zoom out further (a self-imposed technical limitation). I started getting wrist pain after playing like 20 hours of Grim Dawn.

    The other issue is that the builds are never very exciting. They all seem to be very focused on theorycrafting which skills combine best with which gear, but games like Grim Dawn and Titan Quest, which are admittedly older, boil down to picking the best 2 or 3 skills and stacking passives that make them super powerful. So then you end up mashing one button the majority of the game.

    If there are ARPGs out there that want to attract a new audience of people like me, like Monster Hunter with World, those are the two biggest pain points to correct. A better control scheme and more interesting buttons to press.

    I’m definitely open to any that already do this, but I’m not familiar with them outside of Diablo.

  • Inui [comrade/them]@lemmy.mltomemes@hexbear.netBuddhist meme
    17 days ago

    All the more selfish motivation to pave the way for socialism, tbh. It’s easier (in some ways) to not care if you know you’re going to die and never see the fruits of your labor. Some people are fine doing work for the sake of future generations, but if you know that you will personally have to come back and do it all over again, you probably want to improve things for the next round.