GreatWhiteNope [she/her]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2021


  • The 1932 election had a communist option, it’s unlikely that there will be one on my ballot.

    We’re not going to overthrow fascism in America at the voting booth. I’m not trying to convince anyone to vote for Biden, that’s his job and he’s not doing it very well. I’m also not going to shame anyone for doing something easy like voting in the hopes that it makes them a tiny bit safer.

    I would shame someone if they thought that voting democrat is a step towards bringing about positive change or parroted some bullshit about how we can get more concessions from Democrats than Republicans. If voting is the extent of your political engagement, you aren’t opposing fascism.

  • This is just not realistic.

    Using the median home price is severely underestimating the cost of a decent home in an okay neighborhood.

    With these salaries, you can afford a house that needs severe repairs or in either an unsafe or really inconvenient area.

    I bought a house in one of these cities in 2017 with slightly more than what they say is the required salary. It was 195k with 4.5%. The school district reassessed the house from the sale, my taxes skyrocketed, and my mortgage increased $600 a month. I ended up selling the house after 3 years to move in my parents with 25k in credit card debt.

    Today, that house would cost at least 300k and interest rates are around 8%. I’ve almost tripled my salary since then and my budget is probably max 330k.

  • I’m in a similar boat. Congratulations on your weight loss! I had to have bariatric surgery to get my eating under control, so I know how immensely challenging it is.

    Because of my surgery, it’s just not possible to be vegan. I have to get 60g of protein per day and can only fit about 1 cup of food in my stomach at a time. It’s just not possible to get that much protein in the amount of vegan food I can fit in my stomach.

    I can have protein based milk alternatives like soy milk and I’m also a big fan of tofu, but meat is just a lot more protein dense. I’ve just accepted that I’m going to die if meat or vitamins become unavailable in the future.

  • I admit I haven’t watched any of the videos so I am going off of how people have described them.

    My husband has been watching the videos, he said they were parading around a German tourist’s naked dead body.

    And I’ve read in multiple places of a woman being thrown in a jeep with blood in the back of her pants.

    I’m have been taking these at face value, but thank you for the reminder that we live in a new age of disinformation. I hope that the videos are fake.

    EDIT: This Daily Mail article has screenshots of the two videos I referenced although the most graphic one is blurred. Not a reliable source, but evidence that these videos do exist and more legit news organizations are still doing more due diligence to verify their authenticity.

    I think it is unlikely that a video was faked that happens to have the distinctive tattoos and hairstyle of a woman who was known to be in Israel at the time.

  • I’m trying to be very careful in how I say this, and I’m not trying to be a debate bro.

    I find it triggering to say ALL violence is self-defense. There is no defense for sexual violence.

    I can understand killing oppressors and even kidnapping families to gain leverage, but there is no situation that calls for rape and no excuse for it.

    I understand that members of the IDF and US military are guilty of this too, and they deserve death.

    I understand that you didn’t want to have a bunch of caveats in a blanket statement. I also know this is nothing unique to this conflict and happens in every war, I just think that’s the one area where our support can be critical.

  • I think this is because it’s more expensive and takes longer to build and maintain a desktop website, mobile website, and app.

    If you design everything to work on mobile, you can reuse it as the desktop site. You can most likely reuse assets in the app as well.

    Also, people are using their phones a lot more frequently than desktop/laptop, so mobile experience gets prioritized.