I was thinking rainbow face paint with interesting paterns
Masks work too though.
I was thinking rainbow face paint with interesting paterns
Masks work too though.
Is that the type they put in turon? I love those things.
Kinda makes me think of Filipino spaghetti. Banana ketchup and hotdogs! Actually not as bad as it sounds.
I am bleeding, making me the victor
Looking at the other pictures, it definitely looks like some sort of spray…
Its bioengineered, no way he would go for it. Only organic brainworms for our homeopath in chief.
Per NATO rules, Ukraine was not eligible to join due to the 2014 invasion by Russia as that was considered a border dispute. Prior to that they weren’t really trying due to Russian influence/ corruption of Yanakovich etc.
As far as avoiding the conflict, Obama absolutely should have taken a harder stance on Crimea and Donbas. Before that Bush should have taken a harder stance against the Russian invasion of Georgia. They were essentially taking an appeasement approach and trying not to get pulled into war with Russia.
I’ve only had with cream cheese ‘frosting’, but it is clearly a variation of a savory cake.
To answer your question, no it is not valid. The fact that you don’t actually stand by the word offended really answers yourself.
Why choose “offended” as the verb here? I’m not saying I’ve never seeing an offensive movie… But what you described is an annoyance at most.
It’s almost as if you are claiming offense to be contrarian.
He wanted to grok it?
Usually the soap dispenser is above
Common in factories where lots of people need to wash their hands at the same time.
It’s not likely they would. The US did some fucked up stuff, but (in this case) didn’t try to hide it…
How would one pull and pool all of these communities into a given feed? Bonus if you can filter dupes.
This was my take as well. They only realized the MAGA folks were racist when they called Indians filthy.
When they were calling mexicans rapists and murders 😴
When they said africa was full of shithole countries 😴
I could go on, but it is kinda exhausting. Coming up next is the working class people when they start getting called white trash. Its coming once they consolidate enough power and dont need them anymore.
All cars loose value when you drive them off the lot. Typically ~10% immediately, then it goes to 20% in the first year according to https://www.ramseysolutions.com/saving/car-depreciation
to loose 30% so quickly… yeah, that’s pretty bleak.
This presupposes there is some music you stopped listening to after high school, Im with you, I still listen to a bunch of that stuff. Some not as often as others, but it brings back memories. I was a metal head though and there was a lot of great 90s metal.
Like the whole bumper sticker thing “I bought this before Elon went crazy”
How about a bumper sticker that says “this car is fully insured”.