It should be fully compatible, right? Ryzen 7 doesn’t require a specific driver for Linux, it’s supported by the Linux kernel. I think the only issue would be a specific driver for the GPU.
A conservative, a republican, a bigot, a Nazi, and a clansmen walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Hello, Mr. Kirk.”
When Obama was elected, I remember someone telling me, “they’ll never get over this, it will break their brains.” They weren’t wrong.
Yes, and it’s simple and effective - Tax them and limit the huge transfers of intergenerational wealth. When the US had a robust taxation system with high marginal rates for the highest income levels, we also had the strongest and most robust middle class. It powered the “American Dream.” Having individuals hoard billions of dollars and build familial dynasties isn’t good for society as a whole.
In my opinion, it all begins with ending the system of legalized political bribery, getting dark money out of politics, and making politicians accountable to citizens again.
And companies like ICON are already building extraordinary printed concrete houses, they could use this mixture and the house itself is the storage.