GnastyGnuts [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2020

  • Democrats: “We’re defending democracy!”

    Democrats when democracy doesn’t favor them 100% of the time and people don’t literally have to vote for them:

    "If you don’t vote for the democrats in all elections always and forever, then I fantasize about shaming you and watching you suffer like I’m a creepy, vindictive little wiener. Get these third-party candidates off the ballot, they’re stealing votes from us.

    You have to be morally and politically pragmatic and vote for the democrats! No, they do not themselves have to be morally or politically pragmatic and stop arming a genocide to appeal to loony left voters. That would be compromising our values, which is only okay if we’re shit-canning immigrants or dropping death-penalty abolition to appeal to the unicorn ‘moderate republican.’

    Not voting for the democrats is to endanger all of the people we haven’t already discarded to maximize centrist appeal. Try not to be so selfish for once, GAWD." smug-explain

  • I drove myself mad last night reading some jackass thread of liberals still invoking 2016, in this particularly gross case, to blame the left (and anyone else who they thought didn’t support Clinton) for the state-murder of Marcellus Williams.

    Like jesus fucking Christ, not only is that vile and nonsensical, but it’s stupid in any practical sense not to do something to win the votes of these people who you (wrongly) think cost you everything.

    Act like you’re trying to build and maintain a relationship where the other person has the freedom to leave and isn’t a goddamn slave to you!

    Pretend that you believe in democracy instead of acting entitled to people’s support when you offer them nothing but blame when an election goes badly for you!