Who knew the Gorn and Xindi-Aquatics could be such good friends?
BTW, Qo’nos Forever!
This is very helpful…
Nice. Needed those.
This TFO seems rather interesting, I’m excited to play it.
This seems very interesting and a much needed mechanic. May try it out myself.
Maybe. The phrasing seems unclear on what the ability actually is. Hopefully it will be specified on whenever we get the actual blog post.
Folks… we have the Khitomer Alliance Rex Pilot Escort, a cross between the Jem’Hadar Bugship and the Defiant… A cursed but welcome combination. DS9 fans like me will probably enjoy this one.
This event/season is most definitely going to be an interesting one, with a playable Wolf 359, Fluidic Space Incursion 2, and the very pretty Rex Pilot Escort.
It looks rather interesting. A cross between the bugship and the Defiant is a surprise to be sure, but certainly a welcome one.
Also “commands entire squadrons of escorts in battle, coordinating them and forming the tip of the spear with its superior maneuverability and ability to strip enemy defenses before a devastating strafing run”? A vanguard Khitomer ship? Very, very intriguing. I will most defenitely be participating to earn this ship.
Although, I’m rather let down no Romulan designs were incorporated, with Rex being a Latin word similar to “King” and the Romulans being based off of the Romans. Still, it looks very nice.
So, apparently the Khitomer Alliance Rex is a Pilot Escort Ship (The German version of the news page (https://www.playstartrekonline.com/de/news/article/11561333) reveals it is a Pilot Escort “Für dieses neue Ereignis können Spieler ausgewählte Inhalte spielen und ein neues K6-Schiff verdienen, das Rex-Piloteneskortschiff der Khitomer-Allianz!”
Translated: “For this new event, players can play select content and earn a new K6 ship, the Khitomer Alliance’s Rex pilot escort ship!”). While we have no other information about it, this gives us a few major clues to help us.
That’d be a weird combination, but it’s possible. I personally was thinking all 3 with the addition of some Borg technology.
Edit: Going to the German version of the news page (https://www.playstartrekonline.com/de/news/article/11561333) reveals it is a Pilot Escort “Für dieses neue Ereignis können Spieler ausgewählte Inhalte spielen und ein neues K6-Schiff verdienen, das Rex-Piloteneskortschiff der Khitomer-Allianz!”
Translated: “For this new event, players can play select content and earn a new K6 ship, the Khitomer Alliance’s Rex pilot escort ship!”
A return to the Undine, as seen by a Reality Vortex in Fluidic Space? I want to see STO’s take on whether there is a mirror version of Fluidic Space. The Aventine and Dax are certainly a welcome addition as well. I wonder what exactly the “Khitomer Alliance Rex” is…
Also, Battle of Wolf 359 as a TFO? Very nice.
This is a dream come true. I was expect some lousy uniform or a measly T5, but no, a T6! Dang.