I’m not for imperialism, but at this point, can we just hand the US back to the UK.
Like, they tried this whole independence thing, it clearly did not work.
(obvious /s on the UK part)
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I’m not for imperialism, but at this point, can we just hand the US back to the UK.
Like, they tried this whole independence thing, it clearly did not work.
(obvious /s on the UK part)
This was confirmed fake by NYT
Yeah it’s similar to how there are some libertarian leftists who dont identify with the anarchist label.
They are using the american definition of libertarian, which is basically a pseudoconservative.
Quite different from the european definition, which includes leftist ideologies like libertarian marxism (which is in practice extremely close to anarcho-communism)
Unfortunately a tiny minority
Thanks. I think I’ll stick to crimethInc then.
Those semi rare gems are the best.
As pretty as the ruby/diamond/emrald stones, but without the absurd costs.
I didn’t say you did. But it’s been a confusing conversation because it feels like I make a point in every message, and then you disagree with a minor detail of my point, instead of having a conversation about the big picture.
To me it feels like we aren’t talking to each other really.
I’m basically saying: We gotta use all means necessary to fight facism.
And to me it seems you end up replying: But Trump is a dictator.
Which confuses me because not very relevant to my point.
You’re arguing against someone who isn’t me.
Whatever Trump is is irrelevant to my point. My point is its pessimistic and problematic to surrender to facism happening without putting up a fight.
I’m basically saying: We gotta use all means necessary to fight facism.
And to me it seems you end up replying: But Trump is a dictator.
Piracy, Linux, Self-Hosting, Anarchism
Corperate media and boomer produces such absurd content.
It’s not pessism to admit Trump is a wannabe dictator.
It’s pessimism to sit there complaining about it without imagining paths and working towards a better alternative.
I’m not one of these “anti-electoralism” people. I vote, and I think voting maters. But a lot more matters than just voting.
You can’t just say “oh well we did our best” after you lose the electionand let facism happen. You gotta fight, you gotta advocate, you gotta defend those who need it.
Well Trump was president in 2016 and we had a free election in 2020. But even if 2028 is not free, the current situation is that the vast majority of the country is boiling in anti-elite sentiment, this could lead to a revolution.
I’m sorry if I’m not conforming with you pessimistic or what you might call “realist” views. But I’m not going to give up. I’m not going to let facism win. We can only achieve a better future if we start imagining it and believing in it. If Facism wins I get murdered. I’m doing everything to not let that happen.
I don’t. But it means that these people may not be so far from the same ideal as us. Which matters in convincing people for a revolution, and elections later on (if they still will be free and fair after Trump).
In fact, polling showed, a substantial number of people in 2016 and 2020 went from Bernie voting in primaries to voting Trump. The people want someone who isn’t scared to criticise neoliberal elitism.
I may not agree with everything he says. But it’s quite logical and well argued.
Nothing about elves. More about how technology and capitalism and neo-liberal leftism have ruined the human condition, and the need for revolution.
Interesting that the only examples of Marxist countries followed the Leninist model
Perhaps because in China, Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam, anarcho-communists and anti-authoritarian marxsist fought the revolution alongside more authoritarian branches in “left unity” but were later brutally murdered by the authoritarian branches.
socialist world order
I’m not okay with a world order supported by countries like China and North Korea, pretending to be “socialist” while having murdered anarchists, LGBT people, people with disabilities and ethnic minorities.
That plutocrat was elected through a manipulation of populist rage.
Check out the policy proposal forums RFK and Trump set up for their supporters. Expanding Medicare has more upvotes than downvotes
Paul Krugmann wrote an interesting piece touching on this yesterday (Gift Article) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/09/opinion/elites-euro-social-media.html?unlocked_article_code=1.gU4.cSdP.OL0VogKNmVT3&referringSource=articleShare
Pure Marxist, Classical Marxist, Orthodox Marixst, whetever you want to call people who follow Marxism without Leninst or other authoritarian leaning interpretations.
They are the only countries who resist the western bourgeoisie imperial order
By trying to create their own imperial order. Nazi Germany also resisted the western imperialist order by trying to create their own imperial order.
Your point about Russia not even pretending to be socialist is very much true. Which makes it more baffling that some people on ML support it. Do they just support anything that isn’t western even if it’s arguably worse?
Average level of intelligence on X these days.