But haven’t you heard that “the purpose of of the system is what it does”? Surely nothing could ever be used for a purpose that was not its original intention! /s
But haven’t you heard that “the purpose of of the system is what it does”? Surely nothing could ever be used for a purpose that was not its original intention! /s
Does it not feel like ‘checks and balances’ doesn’t actually work, and hasn’t been working?
We need better checks and balances. I don’t know what that is though.
It is extraordinarily difficult (impossible?) to design fair checks and balances that can keep >50% of the population’s choices from being implemented. The only solution is to make sure that the population is resistant to manipulation.
lol nope
Running Hillary again
The fact that this is somewhat believable is so stupid
Please do it
That clarification is not making me calm
someone with legs isn’t gonna understand the point of prosthetics
The factory helps make the goods though
Those names CANNOT be real
Hmm, I think you’re right
This is so cool!
It took me way too long to notice the horror on the right
Yeah, I meant ~50% of people who fight, not 50% of all people.
40% seems pretty high for that effect. I suspect it would depend on how desparate people are for change.
That’s interesting. I’m on the default site ui for reference.
And for political conservatives, but not for liberals, greater knowledge of science and math is associated with a greater likelihood of dismissing what almost all scientists believe about the human causation of global warming
Also known as the “I must know more than every scientist to ever live” effect
I honestly think this ties into a core flaw of conservativism, the same one that causes them to respect authority too much to question it. In their mind there’s an almost tautological essence that someone in power can do no wrong. They ignore missteps because they “must have earned their position” but then say they deserve their position because they haven’t made any missteps. Same goes for the climate change thing: surely they must have the right opinion on it, since they’re smart! And they’re smart because they have the right opinion. Isn’t life so easy?
This is also why they try so hard not to “lose”. To them, there are winners who never fail, and losers who never succeed. They will ALWAYS try to save face or say “let’s agree to disagree”, because they do not fundamentally accept that failure is a method of improvement. This ties into black-and-white thinking as well.
Neat. For me on mobile, the hover text takes precedence but they both work.
Me travelling calmly through space when a rogue wave of high energy radiation blasts me from some rando warping 2974738 years ago
If you were very, very close to it, not exactly, since Jupiter’s mass is more spread out, making the gravitational pull slightly weaker at close range. But for practical purposes yeah nothing would change for us other than space debris being flung around it instead of hitting it.
Well it was fun while it lasted