• 20 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2021


  • In quotes is a good response from ChatGPT on the matter, she did not discover the greenhouse effect, only the absorption of energy.

    Her experiment on it’s own would support a cooling effect (she showed that CO2 absorbs solar radiation, not the greenhouse effect (which is based on the absorption of outgoing infrared radiation):

    If carbon dioxide (CO2) simply absorbed energy, including sunlight, without re-emitting it, it could lead to cooling at the Earth’s surface. This is because the absorbed energy would not be radiated back to the surface, resulting in a net loss of energy from the Earth-atmosphere system.

    Greenhouse effect described:

    However, in the context of the greenhouse effect, CO2 (and other greenhouse gases) not only absorb incoming solar radiation but also absorb and re-emit infrared (IR) radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface. This process traps some of the outgoing IR radiation, preventing it from escaping into space and thereby warming the Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere. This trapping of IR radiation is what contributes to the warming effect known as the greenhouse effect.

  • Voice also won’t do anything though. If politicians want to hear the voice of the people they can go listen to them.

    The companies ruining indigenous land have been financing the voice referendum, an advisory body like that could easily be used to justify themselves. It’s gone that way before. “Progressive No” has the best opinions, listen to Lidia Thorpe and those that put treaty first, both sides want to assimilate indigenous people into settler colonial society. Both a yes and no victory will be a success for the racists.

  • What?


    Racism (from “Россия” ( English Russia, “Раша” ) + “fascism” ) or Russian fascism is a term used to denote the political ideology and social practice of the Russian regime of the late 20th and early 21st centuries , which is based on the ideas of " special civilizing mission" of Russians, “the elders of the brotherly people” ; intolerance to cultural elements of other nations, mostly Slavic (because they are easier to Russify) , as well as to nations that lived in the Russian Empire or the USSR; ultra-nationalism , the use of Russian Orthodoxy as a moral doctrine , geopolitical instruments of influence (primarily energy carriers for European countries), military force in relation to countries that are part of the sphere of influence of the Russian Federation . [4] [5] [6]

  • You can find other sources corroborating this. I get that CLINTEL is shady but what they say can be corroborated. I haven’t looked at everything on their site so there may be some wacky stuff (I do regret using it as a source) but my point is the modeling can’t explain everything.

    Point is: the Earth is cooling a lot in the Eastern Pacific and southern ocean and there’s an alternative Russian theory that suggests that holes in the ozone layer are the main cause of climate change not CO2. It will be likely discussed at the world stage at COP this year.

    This is an article from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists corroborating the CLINTEL article on climate change not having been as severe as predicted, with a strong cooling trend in the Eastern Pacific and Southern Ocean:


    Take, for example, ocean warming. Despite criticisms from climate change skeptics, global climate models have accurately predicted rising average sea surface temperatures, which are extremely important to predicting the intensity of climate change. But observations in recent decades show that changes in sea surface temperatures vary greatly by region. That geographic variation suggests that end of century global warming may be less severe than most climate models suggest. These observations do not invalidate climate modeling, but they do highlight the importance of regular comparisons between climate models and the real-world observations they aspire to reflect.

    She adds that observed trends show a strong cooling trend in the Eastern Pacific and Southern Ocean, which goes against what the models predicted.