Evilsandwichman [none/use name]

  • 34 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2021


  • “Gee, do I want to vote for the guy supporting the brutal murder of people my age and lower whose deaths I’ve seen on video, or do I want to support the other guy who’ll do the same and potentially worse?”

    Something libs genuinely can’t grasp is that many people will vote for what they want, not for damage control. It takes effort to go and vote, and in some places it’s deliberately made even harder; not everyone is going to put themselves through that to vote for someone they don’t want just because they dislike him slightly less than the other guy.

  • Remember when we all thought democracy meant we could have any leader we wanted, rather than a choice between a slightly slowed progression into the abyss vs diving headfirst into it?

    The lib I work with…in the same sitting he’ll tell me that no you can’t have what you want, realistically it’ll be this guy or the other guy, and then when I tell him we don’t have a democracy we have a monarchy with a choice between two political dynasties he’ll insist on ‘but what if the people want someone else’. He can somehow comfortably believe in two entirely opposing beliefs.

  • I’ve heard that among the fears of colonizers (like what the white population of South Africa were like) is that their victims will enact the same brutality on them, so why the hell are you trying to be as horrifically evil as you can.

    A reminder: the former terrorist groups the haganah, irgun and lehi brigade literally became the IDF. Aside from the terrorist actions they’ve been up to in their entire existence, they were actual literal terrorist organizations that simply rebranded. Also the average Israeli sees the haganah (AT LEAST the haganah, potentially the rest too) as having basically been equivalent to our ‘frontiersmen’, basically the people who made their nation possible and brave soldiers; unsurprisingly they’re the same sort of genocidal lunatics our ‘frontiersmen’ were.

    Utter psychopathy. I’m reminded of what I’ve heard regarding our troops’ actions in Iraq (Afghanistan?) where they would literally rape little boys in front of female prisoners; I believe this was either recounted by a famous reporter (I can’t recall his name), or by someone who was tortured at Abu Ghraib and said the photo of the man in the black hood could’ve been him (he can’t tell as the man has a hood in the photo). The latter did however also speak about male prisoners (maybe even the young boys I mentioned) being raped, the reporter in the former was saying that inevitably the truth of the horrors in the prisons over there was going to come out.

    Meanwhile I have to read the opinions of a bunch of losers on twitter about how really it’s Russia that’s the real bad guys and we need to do something about them. The global South really is just a playground for Western removed.