DongWang [comrade/them, they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • “What makes you think I sit here in silence?“

    “Im stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their “political” team.”

    Considering you are still living with them, still describing them as racists, but are too afraid to call them racist…

    “ I just use a different tactic to try to win over my neighbors”

    And we can see how well that’s working out for you

  • “ stuck living with people who think anyone that is a shade of brown is less than human and that having an immigration policy is silly when we have guns and ammo. I cant reach these people and help them see that it cant be simplified in to black and white by calling them stupid and being dismissive of their feelings and now their identity has been tied into their “political” team”

    Silence is complicity. From your own descriptions you are coddling people who would kill anybody who’s not white and you want to come in here, handwringing and taking up all the oxygen in the discussion because your feelings were hurt because you respect Bernie.

    I guess someone who’s too afraid to call a racist a racist WOULD look up to Bernie.

  • I’m in the same boat, so to speak. Recently had a life altering injury that put me out of a job and on month 6 of the search. And my birthday’s just around the corner too!

    I hope your birthday went well, and if it hasn’t happened yet I hope you make time for yourself to do something you want without any expectations.

    In regards to the mental aspect, I’m really proud you’ve found the courage for therapy, and engaging with it so that it can be helpful. I need to make that decision myself.

    Don’t forget to silence the inner naysayer every so often. You’re allowed to enjoy things that don’t make you a better work slave, and now’s your chance to find those things that you enjoy.

    For me, things are getting better, albeit slowly. I’ve had to remind myself that mentally it’s like preparing for a race; not every run is going to be your best time. And some days it will rain and be shitty and feel like nothing got accomplished, but you still went out there and did the things you were scared of/didn’t feel like you could do. Patience and perseverance, my friend.