ComradeOohAah [he/him, they/them]

Here to chat about making lewd communist VR games and stuff.👍

  • 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 16th, 2023


  • communism-will-win

    In the near future, my Virtual CCP Milking Farm will be highly successful and turn the tables on the Capitalist class as CHUDs cum to their senses and gain class consciousness. The next January 6th movement will instead see a red flag raised over the White House and the Capitalists and their loyal dogs marched off to the milking camps where they’ll be reeducated into productive members of a healthy society.

    20 years down the road, we’ll have 100% literacy, 0% unhoused, and climate change will be conquered as our society, as part of a Land Back movement, does a rapid degrowth into a more sustainable world. The majority of people work 4 hour days, 4 days a week to maintain the basic infrastructures and then spend the rest of their time pursuing hobbies and building connections with their communities. Our media will be full of stories about people living in balance with nature and finding love while volunteering on ecological projects.

    I will unfortunately have to put into the gulag as I will probably go mad with power when the milking camps give me access to far more opportunities to experiment on the human mind under orgasms than any person should be allowed. The papers will probably call me something like The Milking Mengele and I will serve out the rest of my lifetime segregated away in isolation so that I don’t abuse my discoveries. I’ll die happy, knowing that I contributed to the revolution. 07