Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2020


  • It’s so funny that they’re going ahead with the 2024 presidential debates after the clusterfuck of the 2020 debate, where IIRC they cancelled two of the debates after Trump spent the first debate running roughshod over Biden. No concerns over this making Trump, who is literally a felon and an insurrectionist (even if it was a half-assed insurrection and also the actual half-assed insurrection Trump did was when he tried to stop the states counting votes and not the Jan. 6th riot), seem more legitimate. Though I guess he was already President so maybe he can’t be made to be seen as an illegitimate candidate, I don’t know how the electoral wonks feel about that.

    But mostly it’s funny because Biden is so obviously in decline. It was a pretty bad showing in 2020, they’re really gonna have to pump him full of adrenochrome to make him even seem present in the moment. Not that Trump isn’t very old also, but from what little I’ve seen of the both of them recently Trump mentally seems to be more or less where he was in 2015, whereas Biden seems mostly out-of-it if he isn’t reading from a teleprompter.

  • I think I’ve posted about this before, but the Knives Out movies fit within this paradigm of movies that I think exists where the movies are decently fun on the first watch but are largely insubstantial and there’s nothing to really think about, movies that if they’d been made 15 or 20 years ago would’ve been entirely forgotten about after the end of their theatrical run, even if you’d seen them you wouldn’t chance to think about them again unless you happened to catch them on cable, but now, because movies seem to be on the whole worse and unhealthy somehow compared to where we were (I assume because of streaming or the slow decline of movie theaters) these sorts of little-to-offer films sit at the center of a permanent discourse as if they are the great films of our time.

    Then again, maybe if we’d had Twitter in 2005 we’d still be talking about fucking Wedding Crashers.

  • So today I went to Target, and whenever I go to a supermarket I always check out the books. I’m rarely interested in the sorts of books carried by supermarkets, but sometimes there’ll be a diamond in the rough or they’ll be carrying some classics. If nothing else I figure that the books at the supermarket best represent books that are read by mainstream Americans, so it’s interesting to see that. Also interesting to see how the books are curated by different store brands.

    But today, in amongst the political books and the self-help books and the worst poetry I’ve ever perused, I saw a book that caught my eye. It was called Black Shield Maiden. Skimmed the blurb, and it seemed like it was historical fantasy about an African woman, presumably from sub-Saharan Africa, who gets caught up in the Islamic slave trade, then taken through the Islamic world and sold to Norsemen, where I have to assume she gains her freedom and becomes a warrior. I thought this sounded like a fun lens to explore contemporary issues, maybe make a point about the attitudes of today are born out of past traditions, that sort of thing.

    So I immediately look up the reviews. Online reviews can be a tricky thing to sort through, as I’m sure anyone reading this knows, but in this case almost all the top reviews on Goodreads were calling this book racist, poorly researched, and Islamophobic. Then I find out this book has been “co-written” by Willow Smith (faildaughter of Will Smith) and a seemingly previously unpublished screenwriter named Jess Hendel. I looked Hendel up, not really any information on her website. On Linkedin it looks like she tried to hack it in academia, working on Gender Studies, left that for a series of marketing and copywriter gigs, and has spent the last six years working on Black Shield Maiden while also doing some AI marketing bullshit for Khan Academy. In fact, a lot of AI bullshit terms all over her Linkedin page, which immediately tells me her worth as a working creative.

    TL:DR Saw a book about an enslaved African woman in ~800 AD who is sold to the Norse, becomes freed warrior. I still think this is an interesting premise for a historical fantasy book, sadly poisoned by the terrible writing of an AI idiot and Will Smith’s faildaughter.

  • I was gonna chalk it up to neo-pagans not really believing in their religion, but then I realized I don’t know any neo-pagans and that I’m just projecting what I believe about their faith on to them.

    So, genuinely, do neo-pagans actually believe? I always took to be more a political exercise, a deliberate use of religious freedom, or else possibly done to mock established religions.

    And then the same question but for otherkin. Like my assumption is that people don’t genuinely believe themselves to be not entirely human but instead part deer or elf or what have you. That instead they are making a statement about autonomy, and maybe gender abolition, and respect or lack-thereof for valuing someone else’s social norms and customs.

  • Can we talk about how much worse Google Drive has gotten at file organization? I swear that ten or twelve years ago you’d open google drive on your computer and there it’d be, with all your files and folders laid out like windows file explorer.

    In 2024 google drive that google file explorer is still there, but it’s not the first thing I see when go to the drive. Instead it has me on something called “home” which has all my files there, no folders. You can also switch to folder, but now you can’t see your files. Why? Ah, but you can still click on “My Drive” so all’s well. But you better not click the wrong option or else we’ll take you to an entirely different app called Google Docs, which has all the docs in your drive in it.

    It’s just as bad on IOS. If I open my google drive it opens to home, and I’ve got to actually tap files to see my files arrayed in a way that makes sense. Then if I actually open a doc it has to open the Google Docs app. On the main screen of the google docs IOS app I can see all the docs from my drive, arrayed in a completely different way from how I’d like. I hate it all. On IOS why isn’t the word processor built into the google drive app? Why does google insist on showing me a big list with literally all my files on it, that’s not helpful.

  • I don’t know about this one chapos. I mean, can you imagine what it would be like to live under a dictatorship? They’d probably do crazy shit like ban bodily autonomy, ban protesting, make it illegal to criticize regimes that are in league with the dictator, ban mass communication platforms, crack down on immigration, allow friendly corporations to operate their own mafias they’d use to kill whistleblowers, and just generally crush poor and working people. I wouldn’t want to live under a rule like that.

  • I think my favorite narrative I’ve been hearing regarding these protests, and you heard this a lot in 2020 too, is that all these protestors willing to engage in property violence and physically clash with the police are actually outside agitators. And in this case they’re outside agitators occupying a privately owned building, which the media is happy to compare to a private single family home. That’s right, protestors occupying a private university building is exactly the same as them occupying your home, you braindead TV consumer you.

    Sometimes the ‘outside agitator’ narrative has merit. I imagine we’ve all seen videos of obvious police plants trying to rile up people in order to get them arrested. Maybe some of you have witnessed such things in person. I vaguely remember reading that the guy who started the fire that burned down that Minneapolis Police station was actually a chud trying to make things worse. That sort of thing, I guess, really does happen. But it’s also such a convenient narrative. “Oh, it wasn’t concerned student activists and professors and ordinary people trying to stand against a genocide. It was wild-eyed barbarians, outsiders from outside, and thus all the police violence wielded against these people protesting a genocide was wholly justified.”

  • You know what really grinds my gears? If you go to look up any relatively popular game on YouTube there’s about a 50% chance that any video you click on will be from an actively fascist creator, whose video will be full of casual racism and misogyny. Like, if I’ve been searching up gaming stuff recently I’ll see that Asmongold guy in my recommendations. I only know who he is because Left twitter was making fun of him a few weeks ago for hating women while also actively living in filth and never bathing or grooming himself. But if I hadn’t seen that stuff I wouldn’t know who he is and I might have clicked on one of his videos. It’s just terrible.

    Also, I know people have been complaining about fash on Twitter for years now, but I feel like the last month or so I’ve been getting a ton of accounts showing up in my For You page that no one I follow follows and that no one I follow has appeared to have liked or retweeted who are engaged in fash rhetoric.

  • Normally I try not to care much about what individual celebrities think about politics. Mark Hamill is a lib, “so what?” I figure. Most Americans are libs of one stripe or another, usually it’s not worth getting worked up about.

    But this one in particular, whooee. What the hell has Biden even done, other than not be Trump? He’s a President without vision, “nothing will fundamentally change”. He passed an infrastructure bill and appointed some not so terrible NLRB picks. What else did he even do? Some bullshit loan forgiveness that looks good in a headline but actually does jack shit for most people in debt? Ditto on climate stuff and green energy?

    Like, obviously there’s a lot from a left perspective to criticize about the likes of FDR, JFK, and LBJ, but from a liberal perspective they were all Presidents with a strong vision who wanted to create a soft domestic welfare state. So that’s easily way better than Biden. Hell, even Obama had the ACA under his belt. Surely, from Hamill’s perspective, Clinton’s America was better than Biden’s? Surely, from a liberal perspective, Biden doesn’t compare favorably to any post-WWII democratic President except maybe Carter?