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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • What a load of absolute garbage.

    Yes, prima facie a vote for Stein is a vote for Stein. Good job moron.

    No Trumper/conservative is gonna vote green, so that leaves the pool of Harris voters that Stein is taking from.

    Pretty basic understanding here.

    If a Stein voter won’t be swayed, then this discourse isn’t for them so why even state it here? If someone is thinking of voting for Stein and can be swayed, let me simply say that if they vote for Stein they will get Trump. Remember, Steiners come from the lefty pool, not the righty pool.

    Hope those self-righteous voters spend as much energy in off years protesting and making change locally, otherwise they’re hypocrites.

  • In general I agree that voting can be used to hold candidates accountable for their policies. In this case, I still don’t see how holding the less terrible of the two accountable isn’t tantamount to helping the worse. No one knows why you voted 3rd party, just that you did. If the outcome is that Repubs win, the simplest answer is that most people prefer hard right policies, which is opposite the goals of most 3rd parties (except perhaps libertarianism).

    Less terrible of the two is something I think most people would follow unless indoctrinated to think the more viable option is worse. Having constant conversations about holding democrats accountable with nary a peep about how Repubs are worse leans into this viewpoint. At best it’s bad optics. At worst it’s intentional to secure a far right win.

  • The one valid reason not to vote Dem/Repub this cycle has been to not support genocide, which ultimately supports genocide except the voter can dissociate their vote from the outcome. Other than that, I haven’t seen any other valid arguments to vote 3rd party, particularly when looking at what those candidates would do if they won. Holding the presidency with all of Congress against you means you can’t get anything done, so it’s a waste of 4 years.

    The argument of bad faith you’ve made sounds awfully like the beginning of a slippery slope argument.