mandate of heaven moment
mandate of heaven moment
i don’t know but the weird thing is when i stopped doing it i’m so distant and bland my track record is even worse than when i came on too strong
which sounds like something somebody with trauma would say so i’m going with a firm probably
camera is set at a low and to your left angle, showing the side of your head and your arm lazily scrolling through the official IDF twitter account on a smartphone with the underside of the desk out of focus in the background. after a few moments of this the you suddenly freeze, but your expression isn’t visible so we don’t know why. focus slowly shifts to the background as a dark blob against the desk becomes clear. a stamp reading “MADE IN PALESTINE”. cut to camera from the stamp’s POV, showing your pupils dilating as you stare up into the camera for just a couple silent seconds. explosion. end scene.
thank god i was wearing my explosive reactive armor vest
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