I’ve tried to get into Tasks.org a few times, and I really like just about everything about it, but the deal breaker for me is that is seems like it doesn’t have any collaboration features - can anyone tell me otherwise?
My partner and I have been making really good use of Todoist and its (admittedly limited) collaboration features - we have a ‘household’ project, and anything on that list is visible to both of us and can be assigned to a person.
I’d really love to get on a proper FOSS solution, but so far many of them are missing collaboration. Vikunja is really cool and has collaboration, but doesn’t have any widgets atm (important for my scatter-brain). Still on the hunt!
Yeah to some extent I suppose a calendar colab would get some of the way there, but I don’t think it gets as far as sharing to-do items between two different users. Maybe there’s a way to set it up to work that way, but I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll look into it!