@o_d @C4RCOSA I’m replying to your nonsense replies propping up the BS article in the first place. There also happens to be plenty of data to support that Russia is not flourishing, and is legit suffering from sanctions. No shortage of evidence there. From fielding tanks out of the 50s, to their private and commercial air fleets… you’d have to be ignorant to claim blue skies. You’re spouting the trumpian BS of “people are saying” while claiming other people have no source
@o_d @C4RCOSA that’s not to say they are on the verge of total collapse either. But def not roses and sunshine. Sorry I couldn’t previously add more as mastodon limits character count and has no simple down vote mechanism. It’s a bit weird seeing replies with no mention of what they’re replying to, spread across the space with equal prominence as original posts. At times it feels like mastodon has no concept of threads and this everything is noise compared to signal