BabaIsPissed [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2022

  • We consistently find across all our experiments that, across concepts, the frequency of a concept in the pretraining dataset is a strong predictor of the model’s performance on test examples containing that concept. Notably, model performance scales linearly as the concept frequency in pretraining data grows exponentially

    This reminds me of an older paper on how LLMs can’t even do basic math when examples fall outside the training distribution (note that this was GPT-J and as far as I’m aware no such analysis is possible with GPT4, I wonder why), so this phenomena is not exclusive to multimodal stuff. It’s one thing to pre-train a large capacity model on a general task that might benefit downstream tasks, but wanting these models to be general purpose is really, really silly.

    I’m of the opinion that we’re approaching a crisis in AI, we’ve hit a barrier on what current approaches are capable of achieving and no amount of data, labelers and tinkering with architectural minutiae or (god forbid) “prompt engineering” can fix that. My hopes are that with the bubble bursting the field will have to reckon with the need for algorithmic and architectural innovation, more robust standards for what constitutes a proper benchmark and reproducibility at the very least, and maybe, just maybe, extend its collective knowledge from other fields of study past 1960’s neuroscience and explore the ethical and societal implications of your work more deeply than the oftentimes tiny obligatory ethics section of a paper. That is definetly a overgeneralization, so sorry for any researchers out here <3, I’m just disillusioned with the general state of the field.

    You’re correct about the C suites though , all they needed to see was one of those stupid graphs that showed line going up, with model capacity on the x axis and performance on the y axis, and their greed did the rest.

  • got the Samsung buds pro 2 at half price recently and I kind of like them, but they were a bit underwhelming even at that price. I’ve never spent a lot on audio in general, so they were actually a big improvement, but there was no “wow” factor or anything. Plus having to install bloatware that asks for all permissions under the sun sucks (why the fuck would a settings menu want to know my location???).

    I do think you underestimate how nice the noise cancelation can be though. I moved to a big city and my hick ass cannot deal with all the fucking noise. Plus I’m clumsy and end up getting wires caught on everything, which means wire stuff also becomes e-waste fairly quickly.

  • They do once their depression gets better though? Anhedonia, loss of interest/libido/attention/whatever the fuck else are symptoms of depression. I’m all for self-improvement, my own mental health improved greatly as a result of trying to improve myself, to the point I consider myself no longer depressed. But we’re social creatures and no one builds self-confidence and mental resilience in a vacuum. It’s often up to the depressed person to put themselves out in situations where this can happen, but sometimes it does not work out for whatever reason and the whole thing is a long process. In this situation self-compassion is a lot better than telling yourself you’re a sack of shit.

    Also, isn’t the interesting life thing all backwards? If you like a person you get curious and find them interesting. If I like a guy I’ll find what they are into cool, be it singing, playing chess or knowing a lot about bugs.

    No one is owed that kind of attention, but most people are worthy of compassion.