Awoos the Kinkwolf

A yiffy alt of another lemming who shall not be named. 18+, minors dni.

Male, He/Them.

A kinkwolf, into bdsm, petplay, latex, chastity, hypnosis and other fun stuff. Feel free to make flirty replies at me in responses to my posts, although I may blush.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • I kind of have a bit of a fantasy where I’m hypnotized but aware and unable to control my body. And then made to do kinky and/or humiliating things when I’m unable to stop myself. Sounds kind of fun.

    I’m not really that interested in kinky stuff in general if the sub isn’t enjoying it, so them being fully unaware (or made to forget afterwords) isn’t really something that interests me. However, making them forget about any triggers or playing around with their perception of the world is fun if they are into it.

  • Not really an artist, but I’ve tried my hand at writing smut once or twice. Being horny lets the creative juices flow better, at least for me.

    However, making art (of any kind) usually involves being hyperaware of your mistakes (so you can fix them) which isn’t really that conductive to actively “enjoying” things.

    Given that many artists tend to be very critical of their own work, at least while making it, I imagine it’ll be hard for them to enjoy it in that way as well.

  • For me, it’s complicated. I guess I’d call myself a switch.

    I have a friend who calls me Master who I erp with, but honestly as of late I just wanna relax, not worry and let someone else take charge.

    Likewise, when looking at stuff online, I fantasize about being the sub rather than the dom.

    I also have no interest in stories about dominant men having huge harems of dry emotionless women. Blegh.

  • Annoyingly, for me recently horny brain has been butting heads with anxiety brain. And my Anxiety Beast knows exactly just what to say to mess me up. ;_;

    Anyway, one big thing is that horny brain sees toys and thinks “ooh that’s nice”, and is only (usually) stopped because toys are expensive. Like, £75 for a pair of fancy latex shorts?

    I’ve also had lots of kinky thoughts and plans for myself that fell flat because self bondage doesn’t really work that well for me without someone teasing. I also lack the self discipline to get myself really riled up and frustrated.

  • Recently got a Lovense Max; a stroker that includes a bluetooth controlled vibe. As a Linux user who has a knack for having things not work, surprised how well it connects to stuff.

    Annoyingly, after getting it, I had an (unrelated) mental health issue, which gave me quite bad anxiety whenever I wanted to do anything lewd, which kinda killed the mood… Blegh.

    I also seem to get desensitised to vibes after a while, especially if they are at a constant speed. It’s also a bit of a hassle to keep in place.

    If I were buying it again… Honestly tempted to get an inertable vibe over a stroker. Seems much less hassle and easier to just passively have turning on and off in the background (could even use it as an alarm). Although I’m not sure how much I’m into butt stuff, tbh.

  • You have my sympathies, unfortunately I don’t really know anything that could help.

    I can’t say that I’m feeling the exact same way as you, but a few of the things you’ve said really resonate with me. Due to things in my history I won’t go into, I’ve generally not been able to lead a normal “social life”. I’ve never had a relationship or even friends IRL, and even my online social circle has pretty much been a few random people I stumbled into and have stuck with for many years.

    I don’t really know how I’d go about getting friends, and even if I did, there’s just this huge wall of social anxiety that feels insurmountable. I want to make furry friends, get involved in the community, meet people IRL, but it’s just so hard for me… Everyone else I see online just seems to be having more fulfilling lives than me, and I’ve basically wasted my twenties…

    Anyway, sorry for making things about myself a bit there, been looking for an excuse to vent for a while, tbh.

    Only thing I can suggest, and something that kinda worked for me, is to make friends through online games. It’s a good social lubricant and a way to do something with people when you aren’t feeling like a “downer”. Although you run the risk of finding tryhards that are critical of everyone that doesn’t play perfectly…

    I guess also think about what you need to actually “open up”. Like, if you were talking to someone, what would make you comfortable enough to open up to them in the way you are looking for?

  • I maay have a bit of a humiliation kink, so the idea of being bound and paraded in public is kinda hot to me as a fantasy, provided it’s in a hypothetical world where there is no sex taboo. Doesn’t really interest me on my own without that element though.

    I could maybe be convinced to do something like it IRL in a closed space where I know and trust all the people there (or at the very least, someone I trust a lot trusts them).

  • Wander has made an update to the site wide instance rules here: , and as far as I’m concerned they cover what I was attempting to cover in this rule change. Therefore I’m going to remove this rule from the rules list here, and have it be covered by general instance rules. To be clear: Bestiality talk is still forbidden here, it’s just covered by Yiffit rules rather than community rules.

    As for why I acted before an official statement was made, on that fateful night I saw the comments starting to appear and was concerned that people would find their way here, so I marked the community as only allowing moderator posts temporarily. However, I didn’t want the community to remain locked too long, so I added to the rules. I also don’t like the idea of rules “appearing out of nowhere”, or being unfairly restrictive, so I made an announcement post.

  • It’s brought up questions for me as well, like where the line is between “okay” and “not okay”. Especially since some friends I’ve asked seem to draw the line much stricter than I’m doing here. And bring up the uncomfortable comparison to loli stuff.

    I think crossing the line, wherever it may be, means it’s no longer furry. While this community isn’t necessarily restricted to just furry topics, I don’t aim for it to be a place for everything. This is not the place to talk about weed, politics, the band you just went to etc. There might be a place for bestiality talk, but it’s not here.

    Thanks for your suggestion on the wording, it makes sense to me. I’ll probably still keep it explicitly mentioning minors and animals though, I can see arguments happening as to what entities require “special protection” or not.

  • Thanks, and I appreciate you going for that “hands off” approach.

    My comments about the instance rules were more for if you made a post which basically put a ban on this stuff instance wide, in which case repeating it in my community would be redundant.

    Also, having to deal with the federation issue and now this whilst also taking care of yourself sounds rough. I know you get this a lot, but we really appreciate the work you put into this place, and I hope things calm down soon.

  • Exclusion of CNC or hypno is not my intent here, although I do wonder if that’s a bit hypocritical if I want to block other things based on consent.

    I may just remove the “consent” part just so it says “Non-furry animal” is defined as any animal that that lacks human-like intelligence. The rules don’t need to carry their own justification, and it should hopefully be self-evident.

    As a moderator, I’d rule that anyone roleplaying as an animal or fantasizing that they are an animal would not fall afoul of this rule as they would still have human level intelligence.

  • Many years ago I managed to find a fox into mostly the same things as I am, and we’ve been “playing” on and off in text for years. It’s quite fun and we have a Discord server set up for just the two of us. Unfortunately Discord made some changes a month or so ago which kinda knocked me off kilter and we’ve not had a chance to do much recently (which sucks, as I think it might have been a bit of stress relief for me).

    Other than him, I don’t really play with strangers much because social anxiety and people are scary. Although I think I do have a bit of a humiliation streak and like when people leave flirty and filthy comments on my posts… I guess explains why I started horny furry chat. :P

  • Some from me:

    • Yiffalicious: A game where you take 3D models, put them into poses and watch them fuck. It also has an online sharing feature where you can upload and download these scenes. Feels a bit neglected nowadays since they are working on a sequel on Patreon though.
    • Broken Dreams Correctional Centre: A text adventure game where you are a prisoner in a Space Prison. Very BDSMy and can be a bit dark at times.
    • Lust Doll Plus: Another text adventure game, this time set in a more fantasy world. Leans more into the anime side fo things though.
    • FOXXX: An interactive fiction game focusing on the adventures of a foxboi stuck in space, focusing on bad endings.
    • Kobold Adventure: … You know, before making the list, I never really realised how many of these were just interactive fiction games. But yeah, here’s one where you are a kobold.

    I really wish there were more games that focused more heavily on submissive fantasies though. Everything seems to be focused on winning and domming the losers.