The extra kick in the teeth is for those that for whatever reason couldn’t/didn’t go to college! All that messaging of “go to college or you’re going to be worthless” just so happens to have the affect of making you feel completely worthless for not having a degree! All those years on online dating I’d pass on people that were educated and/or had good jobs because “why the hell would they be interested in a worthless uneducated factory worker.” It’s fun!
I have no debt, nor a house though, but I do have tons and tons of depression and self loathing!
I don’t know the right label for it, but I don’t think it’s quite hypocrisy. They’re mad when names are changed out of respect for another person. Any action like this out of consideration of others is “woke” to them. It’s an unnecessary display of weakness to change something because it offended someone to them. What we’re doing now is changing a name out of spite, a blatant disrespect, which is an action they value. Saying “fuck you Mexico, America deserves the name” is better than “people are offended at the name redskin so now we need to come up with something else” to them.
They’re such gross people…