Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The way I see AI being implemented into Firefox, regardless of whether it’s gonna be opt-in or out in the future is that they need to keep up with the latest browser trends in the future. If they don’t, they will definitely lose more of whatever probably small amount of remaining normies who don’t use edge or chrome but instead opt for Firefox. They’re not tech literate enough to see a conveniently placed ad telling them that xyz browser now uses AI security features and Firefox doesn’t and discern the fact that it’s a ploy to get them to switch. We need more normies if we really want a chance to keep Firefox more than just treadingn water, and the best way is to offer more random bullshit of the week to keep them from switching to a competitor.

  • I’d like to think Lemmy is still small enough that talking about piracy of their games and stuff is flying under their radar for now, which is why I don’t care. Also, fuck Sintendo. I ain’t afraid of their corporate stasi.

    Also, on Steam Deck, Emudeck takes away the vast majority of complications regarding getting multiple emulators set up by having pre-configured configurations for each emulator you install to try and make sure game compatibility and running them is as smooth as can be for most games.

  • If you’re playing offline with friends, Emudeck has Ryujinx available. All you’d need is to either dump your cartridge if you can (which I don’t know how to do) or get a copy and make sure you got a dock to hook up your deck to the TV. I don’t know what kind of port the GameCube controllers use or if they’ll work, though. I don’t have one, so I couldn’t tell you. I know the 3rd party wired pro controller I have works fantastically, though. Only other thing you gotta worry about it having enough ports to plug in to depending on the number of players and dock you got.

    As for whether the game will be as smooth on Ryujinx as it is on switch, that’s something I don’t know considering I’ve never tried it on my deck.

  • MPA wouldn’t have anywhere near as big of a piracy problem if all the large streaming platforms worked together to create a singular service at a good price that has everything you want. Now it’s easier and cheaper than ever to buy a few external and VPN service and download/torrent your favorite shows over paying for over 5 streaming services (at least in the US) and having nothing to watch because all your favorite shows got removed half way through you watching the first season (and only season if it’s a new series).

    That, and there are a few shows I have to watch through piracy because they aren’t even available anywhere in America.

  • I don’t care what quality the things I’m downloading are so long as the file size is small enough. There are very few acceptions to that rule. Biggest one is if someone tried to edit shows using AI to enhance them by upping the resolution. Had one series I was so looking forward to watching after a long time torrenting that I had to delete because you could easily tell an AI (or someone who doesn’t have a clue what they’re doing) tried enhancing the resolution and made it unwatchable for me.

    Edit: Damn, reread and I wish I could get 5mbps in the apartment complex I’m in! I’d be lucky if my download speeds spiked to 1mbps. All this with what is supposed to be the best ISP in the area, which is also an absolutely shitty company (xfinity).