• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • My bank used to complain that my browser was out of date. I wrote an email to customer service explaining to them that:

    A) debian’s “out of date” browser actually includes all up to date security patches. B) simply reading the browser agent isnt really security. I had simply been spoofing my browser agent to get around their silly browser “security” policy

    They removed the browser check 2 weeks later. Not sure if it was because of me

  • Friendship with Woods ended*. Gee is now Canada’s best friend!

    *just kidding. Still love woods

    But holy crap… Derek Gee only 36" behind primoz effing roglic, while hanging on to the lead group that dropped rog on the last climb???

    Can climb, can TT, can kick at the line even when completely gassed (see his dauphine stage win and all his 2nd places in giro 2023)

    We havent had a legit GC canadian since ryder hesjedal (and he only won the 2012 giro in a weak field)

    I am so effing hyped for Gee… Such a loveable, wholesome canadian. The more i learn about him, the more i love him. He likes cats and birding and winning bike races. What’s not to love???