In Molkino по-любому we trust.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • From my estimates that subreddit is almost certainly not representative of UCSC. Police raid on the protest had like ~200 arrests, my roommate got arrested, suspended, and now can’t take his finals, police are driving around campus constantly, and people are STILL going to the protest. There’s ~20000 students, so that’s about 1% of the entire student population arrested. And those were the most dedicated people camping there at like 3am when the police came. Estimate the percentage of the entire population that’s pro-Palestine compared to the proportion of anti-Palestine posts on the subreddit. I would guess that people not from UCSC are posting a lot of those.

  • wait for the job market to improve

    I hear people saying the programming job market will improve in the US from the low of the 2022 and 2023 era FANG firings, but why would the US job market improve? I don’t see why all those programmers with work experience would be removed from circulation and fresh grads still will compete with them. What would change for the market to improve? The Silicon Valley Bank collapse and bailout way back in March 2023 is probably going to cause less startups to be funded in the long run and solidify FANG monopolies in the US even more. Now that the lock downs have been over for a while, I predict the population is going to be lowering usage of social media over the next few years if they haven’t already, lowering demand. I would expect the job market to worsen in the long run, not improve, much less return to the 2019-2022 glory days. In the US the only programming field I see that is growing is the AI and GPT stuff.

  • Back when I had to use a windows vm just did

    qemu ... -net user,smb=$HOME/

    then in the windows vm just type \\ into file explorer. Does that not work?

    man qemu says:

                         When using  the  user  mode  network  stack,  activate  a
                         built-in  SMB  server  so that Windows OSes can access to
                         the host files in dir transparently. The  IP  address  of
                         the  SMB server can be set to addr. By default the 4th IP
                         in the guest network is used, i.e. x.x.x.4.
                         In the guest Windows OS, the line:
                         must be added in the file C:\WINDOWS\LMHOSTS (for windows
                         9x/Me)  or C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\LMHOSTS (Windows
                         Then dir can be accessed in \\smbserver\qemu.
                         Note that a SAMBA server must be installed  on  the  host

    Another way is to setup Spice and use a webdav daemon in Windows to transfer files over Spice folder sharing.

    You could also just RDP to the machine which is probably the easiest.

    The simplest would just be to scp files to and from Windows. Like in powershell do scp -R yourusername@ output_dir to get files from Linux.

  • Been using Yandex as my default search for almost a year now. It’s like the old Google and DDG. It doesn’t have as many SEO sites like Google results and actually respects when you put quotes around to force include a word in the query making it much more useful for searching up programming errors. The only downside I found is that it has a bunch of anti-degeneracy filters which sometimes interfere if for example if you search up something like “unixporn” it will try and block the word “porn” in the results. Also is really good at translating Russian, but seems slightly worse than Google translate for Chinese.